Example sentences of "[v-ing] [verb] her [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's not that , ’ Fabia began , certain in her heart that she had now scuppered every last chance of that interview with Ven , but with Cara having more than enough to worry about with Barney still so poorly , not wanting to give her something else to be upset about .
2 He looked at Alina , wanting to ask her what she 'd done ; but she was standing just out of his reach , and watching him with something that looked like compassion .
3 Can I make a suggestion to you , that I think that if you go through these you will come to the conclusion that there are two ways for doing this and one is that for example the majority of the ones that Stella 's got where she feels she can make the decision it is only going to affect her you come in with it already done , redlined new where you think there is going to be some discussion , you go through , you put together in the same way as Simon has done reasoning around it .
4 She said , I 'm going to see her she said and if she has it on I 'm going to take her on one side and I 'm going to say , Miss Anderson will you let me tell you how to dress .
5 I said , well the important thing is Jan if you are like this you obviously did n't like , there 's no way I 'm going to meet her you 're obviously thinking it over I said so the first thing you 've got ta do is turn up on Monday and meet her cos erm , then well you 'll know .
6 And you think well you know , that 's going to sell her lots of records and it 's jolly good !
7 I 'm going to buy her one .
8 Er my mother 's waiting to come in , so I was going to give her it .
9 He was going to kiss her she thought .
10 Just as she thought he was going to kiss her he let her go and strode to the door .
11 Yes , when Matt told me he was going to marry her it was a surprise — a shock . ’
12 I was going to ask her what she meant , but May interrupted .
13 For a moment she was afraid that David was going to ask her what on earth she was talking about and tell her that she had completely misunderstood his elliptical declaration , but he did not .
14 Are you going to tell her what I said ? ’
15 No one was going to tell her what she could or could n't do , or where she had to go .
16 I was going to tell her you know half with mother and up , up there
17 I was going to tell her I had taken her keys and let myself back into the house , " he added , " but I arrived too late .
18 Having seen her I can understand .
19 And I hated having to give her my letters to you , but I could n't think how else to get in touch because I did n't know your address in Australia . ’
20 His deep , even breathing told her he had fallen asleep again , so she slipped out of the room and left him to it .
21 A tiny voice of reason in her mind kept trying to convince her he was there only to bring her some new information about the court case , but her ridiculous heart refused to listen , all but taking wings within her as she sang .
22 She frowned , thinking that he was trying to tell her something , but what ?
23 Then , just when Rachel was feeling she wanted it to go on forever , this exciting masquerade between the two of them where it seemed as if the rest of the world did n't exist , she found herself beside Danny who began stuttering and waving his arms , obviously trying to tell her something .
24 ‘ W-what are you doing here ? ’ she choked , her intelligence trying to tell her something , while with everything she had she did n't want to listen .
25 Why was her own heart starting to beat so hard again , frantically , as if it was trying to tell her something she could not or would not hear ?
26 The stars winked over her , as if they were trying to tell her something .
27 Honest , you 're wasting your breath trying to tell her anything … . ’
28 ‘ You goin' to tell her I was bad ? ’
29 Just why she found it so disturbing that Luke was planning to fly her she was n't quite sure .
30 The police are very unwilling to interfere in family matters and apparently when she threatened to go to the police whatever he told her he would say to them if she did report her daughter missing convinced her it would be useless for her to take such action .
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