Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In Ayr , the second most marginal seat in the United Kingdom , Phil Gallie , the successor to George Younger , held on by 85 votes seeing off Labour who were thought certain to seize the seat .
2 Bitov went to Venice in 1983 for the KGB , using as cover his work for the Literary Gazette , and then approached the British asking for asylum .
3 So that when , later that summer , I was driving through Highburn I paused in anticipation outside the Bailes farm .
4 After speeding across the moors and winding through woodland he at last found her and together they flowed slowly as one out into the Hamoaze .
5 . He followed a difficult zigzag path from Porlock Weir to Culbone , climbing through woodland which abounded in ‘ wild deer , foxes , badgers , and martin cats ’ ; whortleberries grew in plenty beneath the canopy of trees , and as the ascent progressed , the distant sound of waves breaking on the shore below and glimpses of the Channel and the Welsh mountains were sufficient to fill one eighteenth century traveller with mingled ‘ pleasure and astonishment ’ .
6 Even so , Mr McNamara , who is a prominent philanthropist and contributor to the Republican party , managed to meet the terms after pledging as security his homes and businesses .
7 ‘ If there is any sign of cracking during operation we are ready .
8 But you were n't allowed to come out the pit , I mean you had to wait until knocking off time you see , before you were come out , Anything like that I mean er unless you 've got broken legs or anything like that .
9 Some local authority departments themselves are now self-contained commercial organisations bidding for work which previously was their automatic responsibility .
10 Pragmatism has also played a part here and when convenient the DST has been willing to do deals with other countries trading off information it has obtained from opposing factions in the Middle East .
11 What is actually happening of course we know in that case what is actually happening , because nerves erm er neurones in , in the base of the brain are actually sampling the blood flow as it goes through with sugar level and when the sugar level drops to a critical point , some of those neurones start to fire and as they fire gradually the message is passed on up to the higher brain centres and eventually you get the feeling you 're hungry .
12 Elton issues a new single through Phonogram this week , ‘ The Last Song ’ , written about a man dying of AIDS who is reconciled with his estranged father on his deathbed .
13 Furthermore , even if a surplus of wool was produced , there was perhaps more hope of selling it to the developing cloth industry than of disposing of grain which was not required , as a demand for clothing can be more flexible than one for food when men have additional purchasing power ( 59 ; 62 ) .
14 Now , when chickens decide to roost in trees it is not easy to dissuade them , but as the night was cracking with frost I had visions of finding deep-frozen aerial chickens in the morning .
15 This restructuring approach argued that it was necessary to look at what was happening within industry itself and in the wider economy .
16 Goff recollects him saying that he felt in danger of being left behind because whilst exciting things were happening in art he was not being allowed to develop .
17 You will find that there is always something happening in Battle which you will enjoy .
18 ‘ expose your person ’ This point is proved by the person(s) to whom the exposure was made , explaining in detail what they saw etc .
19 This may be due to greater familiarity with the cost of lower priced letters or to the greater difficulty of keeping in mind which band of prices the weight related to in the body of the table .
20 Keeping in mind what the person can and can not do unaided , the nursing interventions to achieve the mutually set goals could then be selected according to local circumstances and available resources .
21 Taking this list of users and keeping in mind their relationships with the governmental organization , the report says that the overall goal of accounting and financial reporting for governmental units is :
22 The best way is to ignore the ring structure and explore the city in chunks that are easy on the feet and brain , keeping in mind your position with respect to the old city plans where it is relevant .
23 Acting and clowning around and singing and laughing in Share My Lettuce , Kenneth Williams was a British star .
24 I think these proposals not only are a way forward but also in light of what is actually happening in the area of Highfields with er the high numbers of unemployment , with the high rate of people underachieving in education I think for the last two and a half years there has been no clear guidelines or structure that has systematically brought about any results in the two centres to move forward where people have lost out by this issue being bureaucratic and a political football that 's being kicked about and I think it 's about time where we now have cross party consensus that we move positively forward and work towards these proposals .
25 The legend of the Dent vampire is in all probability nothing more than an elaborate leg-pull , but it 's worth relating in case you have n't heard it before .
26 ‘ If we prevent children dying in infancy they will just grow up to have children of their own and population will increase even faster . ’
27 Since returning from leave I have heard that ‘ Environment Wales ’ is unable to assist with funding , so I urgently need to find in excess of £2,000 to publish and circulate the document .
28 Lastly , In the absence of any injuries , suspensions , players returning from injury it is a fair guess on the part of the Ceefax people that the team will be unchanged .
29 They also agreed that the Scandinavian army would be given tribute , and it at last occupied London , thus gaining in peace what it had never gained in war .
30 When applying in advance you may indicate a start date ( eg birthday ) .
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