Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun pl] over " in BNC.

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1 Their appellate jurisdiction was also extended , presumably by agreement between the Inns and the judges , to issues relating to disputes over property within the Inns : Rakestraw v. Brewer ( 1728 ) 2 P.Wms. 511 , or over elections in the Inns : Inner Temple v. Ince ( 1677 ) 3 Keble 835 , or over debts due to the Inns : Levinz v. Randolph ( 1700 ) 1 Ld.Raym. 594 , which could not by any stretch of the imagination relate to the duties of judges in relation to the administration of justice in their courts .
2 What is or can be as superlatively silly or ruinous to the nerves as that silly girl , snivelling and laughing by turns over a ‘ love story ’ ?
3 Fourth , it seems that , as with parents and children , we need to be aware that there are likely to be quite wide fluctuations in support passing between siblings over the lifetime of each .
4 Now it 's arranged for them to spend a year living with families over here .
5 Even after living with Apaches over a month and after all the things they must have done to her .
6 The Willses themselves progressed from living in rooms over their shop to residing in country mansions .
7 All at once , though she was fighting it , she was overwhelmingly conscious of how dark and wild-looking and exciting he was , with his black hair spilling in curls over his ears and forehead , the short-sleeved T-shirt exposing the mahogany of his arms and the slim white trousers moulding the muscular lines of his legs .
8 These factors contribute to the difficulties experienced by families in performing their caring functions , in turn increasing the likelihood of unfulfilled need and frustration developing within families over the care of older , dependent relatives .
9 The research programme is the first study of support networks of the elderly looking at developments over time .
10 When looking at changes over time ( or making comparisons between areas ) one way of overcoming differences in overall population structure is via the calculation of age and sex specific mortality rates .
11 She loves gossiping with friends over lunch , he would rather be alone with his thoughts .
12 Turning onto finals over a wood-storage factory under the approach , the rattly , misfiring old JAP caused one or two upturned faces as I throttled back and descended , sounding like an aerial vintage motorcycle , towards the grass runway at about 60 kts , reducing to 50 over the threshold .
13 The smaller , darker mountain type with black points and mucosae is very like the Piedmont of northwest Italy and is ideal for extensive systems , but it has been declining in numbers over the last 50 years and by 1980 was down to about 35,000 .
14 The martins were now coming and going in numbers over the water .
15 With our Association growing in numbers over the years , to what seems to be a plateau of about 1200 members , the collective voice has been heard , especially since some of those members are Community , District and Borough Councils ; as well as various clubs and businesses .
16 Turning to rights over tangible things , we must notice the distinction between ownership and possession .
17 The blushes were breaking like waves over my face by now .
18 ( This rate will include mixing mortar , building in lintels over pipes and services and damp-proof course . )
19 We had shrimps for tea , watercress , celery stacked in a glass jug , fishpaste sandwiches , flan made from the blackberries hanging in thickets over the back garden fence from the wild common beyond .
20 Contesting with others over the extrinsic spoils of learning is one aspect of competitive assessment .
21 Their U16 and U18 teams , supplemented with players from Cambridge , Braintree and Bury , each enjoyed seven and six match tours respectively to Sweden under coach Kevin Dunne and culminating in victories over Sweden at U16 ( 19–3 ) and U18 ( 16–3 ) levels .
22 Last autumn the Government 's proposed Energy Review and the falling demand for coal seemed to hold the prospect of a much- needed tightening in controls over opencast mining .
23 Sad Joanna told detectives she dreaded the thought of eating and drinking at parties over the holiday period .
24 And for weeks he had been agonising and clashing with colleagues over Europe .
25 A warden has been appointed , Chris Martin , who lives in Orford , and he will be helping to deter trespassers and liaising with police over the detection of offences .
26 While it was generally agreed that these broad aims were appropriate , there were considerable difficulties in their detailed implementation , often arising from conflicts over land use .
27 pullulating like maggots over the chairs !
28 IRAS will scan the Milky Way for the first two or three months , concluding with passes over the centre of the galaxy — a strong infrared source hidden from optical astronomers by dust .
29 He is the ‘ front of house ’ person at The Mill , and enjoys chatting to guests over drinks in the lounge before dinner .
30 Girls have been seen in Italy , spinning with spindles over a balcony , while their sisters sat knitting below , which lends support to such a theory .
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