Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [indef pn] at " in BNC.

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1 In a bedroom you 're looking for something at one ninety nine or two ninety nine .
2 What point in having , I suppose it 's my fault , I should have read these erm , bits added to it more carefully earlier , but it does n't seem to have anything in their about anybody who is actually claiming a carer 's allowance from looking after somebody at the time , and whether we should have a phrase in there that it does n't include anybody that is collecting from the D S S S or anything else for a carer 's allowance anyway , because you do n't want to double pay anybody .
3 These should include the following : NP27 , ‘ Looking after someone at home ’ .
4 For more information , see ‘ Pensions for Women ’ at the end of the chapter or obtain leaflet NP 27 Looking After Someone at Home ?
5 What is the difference between caring for someone at home — your home — and in someone else 's home — their home ?
6 Bob 's phone rang , and while he was talking Dyson , who was sitting back in his chair and waiting for someone at the other end of the line , covered up the mouthpiece of his phone and said , ‘ Are you coming to the funeral , Tess ? ’
7 Apart from that , I have n't the least interest in whether you choose to kill yourself by falling from a great height , or crashing into something at high speed . ’
8 Technology is speeding processes all the time : clients of Thomas Cook Travel in the US can get direct information about flights and make bookings without going through a travel consultant or speaking to anyone at an airline .
9 But they 're really trying to trick you into parting with something at well below its true value .
10 For size 14 , add 12mm ( ½″ ) side seam of sleeve , tapering to nothing at lower edge of sleeve only .
11 Which is that if we take these cards , instead of dropping in one at here there and everywhere and I doubt if anyone will take much notice of one , maybe I 'm a bit personally interested in , if I say could we all drop them in at Prestos in Rougier Street ?
12 In contrast to the Chilterns , the top people were sharply divided from the great mass of poor peasants who doubtless thought a combination of the two safer than exclusive reliance on either crops or livestock , just as many customarily sowed mixed seeds , such as maslin ( wheat and rye ) counting on one at least to come up .
13 The idea was of staking out the estate and counting on someone at the appropriate moment .
14 Louise , as beautiful as ever , the lines of her face almost invisible since her most recent facelift , wearing the latest sheath dress from Dior , its narrow shape flattering her slender figure , sat opposite him calmly and charmingly talking about nothing at all .
15 And indeed within the greenbelt there are a number of settlements which we are sitting in one at the moment .
16 For one thing , I thought I had cleared the nest recently , and that if she was sitting on anything at all , her clutch could not number more than two or three eggs .
17 I 'm not talking to anyone at all and I certainly do n't want to talk to you ever again . ’
18 More seriously , his understated , meditative style is lost : the impression is that his timing is fine , the audience 's is all wrong : ‘ I was talking to someone at a party the other night … he happened to mention that he was reading Virginia Woolf 's letters .
19 er a lot of the time , I was talking to someone at er
20 ‘ Must you ? ’ she said , still half asleep and not thinking of anything at all except David .
21 The old man nodded briefly , chewing on something at the side of his mouth .
22 U-turns , at least , imply a conscious act of steering by someone at the wheel .
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