Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [be] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 So who 's going to be the next manager of Oxford United … the shortlist is being drawn up this weekend … the appointment will be made early next week … we ca n't tell you yet who it 's going to be but we can tell the Manor Ground directors who you want …
2 Many inexperienced pilots do not even consider what the situation is going to be and only think about what is happening at that moment .
3 The use of the Bosch injector pump and having the head drilled for heater plugs is as good as this engine is going to be and , as such is a reasonable conversion , in relation to the cost .
4 And other people other people think spelling should be changed but it 's not going to be and they 're still going to mark it one the exam if you do n't get it right .
5 I think that announcement was actually made I told it was going to be and has committed to support D R D A two and that effectively provides an alternative A P I perhaps as O D B C with Microsoft 's backing will become the norm in the P C environment , D R D A will be in the I B M environment .
6 When you know where your dining area is going to be and what size table and chairs will fit best into the space , you can start thinking about how you plan to treat the other important elements in the room the walls , floor and windows .
7 Okay having done that we discussed what the content of the course was going to be and then I asked you to make a first presentation .
8 He echoes Wattam 's concerns : ‘ There 's a tremendous amount of anxiety about how effective this is going to be and how such an important change can be introduced without monitoring .
9 Looking further ahead , he added : ‘ Much of what matters for Courtaulds in the next century will be decided between now and 1995 — what kind of company we 're going to be and what the balance between the businesses will be . ’
10 Much of what matters for Courtaulds in the next century — what kind of company we 're going to be and what the balance between the businesses should be — will be decided between now and 1995 .
11 I think we 'll look at the news in a few minutes to see what the weather 's going to be and then , do you want any ice cream or anything ?
12 one so he knows what the temperature 's going to be and er he 's I think he 's quite enjoyed experimenting with it .
13 Erm so , in principle we 've agreed that schedule , er I 'm waiting for erm Bob to sort V I out and the name erm as you may be aware erm Bob wants to call it client servicing and our view was that by and large it was n't a question of having to have loads more different screens we just needed them in different areas and they could , they 'd go to Louise to get where people were going to be and it 's mostly about the R S six thousand for commission erm on which there are only about twenty of those anyway , twenty seven so I did n't really see that as being a major issue .
14 First of all , he 's got a general election coming up and we do n't know what its result 's going to be and it may disappoint him , he may find that the Parliament he has to work with is not going to be of the same cast of mind as himself .
15 then , when you 've finished with it you 're paying again yo , to the community tax , as it 's going to be or whatever
16 All the erm imponderables , I mean when you 're young you do n't know quite where you 're going to be or what you 're going to do .
17 expecting to be but you know , how , how could you be
18 yeah , erm I would take a guess that there will be because we still have ambitions to shed a load of space so it would be advisable to re-fit to release further space we have another twenty six smaller stores that we have n't done at all yet other than put a so yes we 'll have an on-going re-fit programme I ca n't give you the exact details because erm how many it 's gon na be but there will be certainly an on-going re-fit programme .
19 I did receive your new forms yesterday which were the for the illustration , they 're , they 're gon na be but you 're not gon na have to send er , erm
20 Are you gon na be but these D A Y , D I Y
21 She 's not living in Plymouth as , she was gon na be but at the last minute they found a flat for her and
22 So what 's the what 's the average gon na be or even the mean ?
23 I do n't know I do n't know how long income support 's going to be , I do n't know how long my next pay packet 's gon na be or what have you .
24 And when the wedding 's gon na be and what you 're gon na wear and what you 're going to go there in and how many children you 're gon na have and how many years you 're gon na be married .
25 Cos used to tell 'em when it was gon na be and they would have time before the event to get it all tidied up , it was all ready , he would in and say , there 's such and such on that one , such and such on this one
26 Into the sewer , cos there 's a drain bit just where the patio 's gon na be and the drain what comes out the outfill
27 But then he kept going on about how brilliant your party was gon na be and everything and I 'm sat there thinking let's face it , if I come on between you know , because like , it would have been alright cos I 'd be finished like , today or tomorrow and then it would have been like nice and ready for the party !
28 yeah , one will always be there if you 've got , if , if you 've got a job , the other one is very iffy and yet they were lending money to people who right , right , rightly in their minds have , and as Maggie T said oh yes go on , go , yeah , independence and all that , erm they were going out , never having done it before , no tradition in , in maybe in their family of doing it before , got this goal this sort of Disney World ideal you know erm , sort of make believe world who are we gon na be and we 're gon na be dreaming the dream , the dream
29 and you work on the computers what you 're gon na be and then it 'll be silly if they brought you to a nursery afterwards if you wanted to be
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