Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In a recent tasting , long-life was voted the clear winner , suggesting that is moving beyond its traditional ‘ stand by ’ position and is on its way to becoming a product that will be chosen for everyday use .
2 No , this was a new healthy way of eating that was going to change previous diet failures into long term success stories .
3 She will probably welcome your offer of help with such matters as the registration of the death , notifying distant friends , putting an announcement of death in local or national newspapers if she wants this , and dealing with kindly enquiries from neighbours in a tactful way , so that they understand that she may not be feeling like having too many callers at first but will greatly appreciate their help and sympathy in a few days ' ( or weeks , ) time ; and making arrangements for the funeral and any family gathering that is to take place afterwards .
4 The first calibration curve using this was published by an American scientist , Hans Suess .
5 It is very difficult to compare statistical data from different countries , because of the variation in the criteria used for diagnosis and notification , and the greater or lesser degree of under-reporting that is found almost everywhere .
6 Women at risk of becoming pregnant were accepted only if they undertook to use effective contraceptive measures .
7 This story took my mind back to a survey on driving that was published a while ago on the differences between men and women behind the wheel .
8 One way of understanding this is to view the discourse as proceeding by answering imagined and unspoken questions by the receiver .
9 When the policy and administrative costs of checking this are considered , the advantages of in-kind transfer over cash transfer are reduced .
10 Do most children think that keeping healthy is to do with what they eat ?
11 But then , unless the fascination is too powerful , there comes the point when keeping still is discarded and the rabbit , as though breaking a spell , turns in an instant to its other resource flight .
12 Gandhi regards it as both inhuman and immoral to maintain that the naked , poor , and starving millions are fulfilling their karma , or reaping the consequences of evil deeds sown in previous existences .
13 Despite his remark that ‘ The superego seems to have made a one-sided choice and to have picked out only the parents ’ strictness and severity , their prohibiting and punitive function , whereas their loving care seems not to have been taken over and maintained , ’ he states elsewhere that ‘ The superego fulfils the same function of protecting and saving that was fulfilled in earlier days by the father . ’
14 If his voice had been alright at the beginning of his performance , and yet he could hardly speak by the end , then it must be a result of something that he was doing while reciting that was causing the problem .
15 It is probably a minority of medieval antifeminist writing that was meant to be taken literally rather than metaphorically ; even Jerome 's model diatribe was a rhetorical exercise designed for the refutation of Jovinianus and the assertion of the value of celibacy .
16 To complicate matters , the two teams must also arrange a new date for their League meeting that was postponed in October .
17 She wanted to be alone , to cope with this shock meeting that was turning her inside out .
18 An important step in establishing this was taken by Einstein in 1905 ( that amazing year in which , while working at the patent office in Berne , he also invented special relativity and explained Brownian motion ) .
19 At the end of training this was achieved .
20 The reason I am writing this is to give greater understanding to those who want help and hope to those who need it .
21 My original purpose in writing this was to warn of the dangers of censorship and to provoke debate in the lesbian and gay communities .
23 One very important thing for older people living alone is to let friends and neighbours know that they are ill , so that they can keep an eye on them and obviously you know , do the shopping and bring in any , anything that they might need .
24 His tonsure had grown out raggedly , and grown out white as ash , and the six-weeks-old beard he had acquired from living wild was streaked with grey .
25 However , seeing these are carried out satisfactorily and that adequate resources are made available for doing so , is the responsibility of the Head Area Staff .
26 A number of possible influences on control and methods for measuring each were identified ( table I ) .
27 Instead , it could more satisfactorily be explained as a continuum , with recall directly dependent on the kind of encoding that is carried out .
28 Even more important than the size of the type , though , is the amount of leading that is inserted between the lines .
29 One method of overcoming this is to encourage family members to use ‘ I ’ positioning ( Bowen , 1978 ) in which people are expected to use ‘ I ’ statements when expressing attitudes and feelings .
30 The cloisters surrounding this were begun in 1661 although not finished until 1740 by K. I. Dientzenhofer .
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