Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 After lunch in a sheltered spot in the garden she 'd vetoed the idea of going sailing , despite Rune 's assurance that like many Danes he was a competent sportsman on the water , enjoying water-skiing and sailboarding as well as yachting .
2 ‘ We 'll see how far it takes you when you watch him try to clear the gatehouse the way he charged through a whole company of men that day , sword flashing right and left , trying to get to the King .
3 The simplest method is that of using conflicting or contradicting notes , so that tonal groups are disrupted or the influence of even a single tone nullified .
4 John Bowlby , the man who pioneered what has become known as ‘ attachment theory ’ , drew a military analogy to underline the importance of establishing and maintaining a secure base in handling unfamiliar and threatening situations :
5 Great swarms of starlings and thrushes raid the vineyards by day , pecking at large numbers of grapes but eating few and causing more damage indirectly by rot than by anything else .
6 Andrew Storey was enjoying this and rattled off ‘ the statistics .
7 It is based on a study of flashing light and vibrating pad alarms at the Radcliffe Hospital and Infirmary , Oxford .
8 Alternatively , rub the surface with lemon , which helps to keep it smelling fresh and reduces staining .
9 Her parents required extensive help with accepting this and finding suitable ways of managing and playing with her .
10 On healthy hair the cuticle scales lie flat , reflecting light and giving hair a healthy sheen .
11 I think our new government may make a tremendous mistake here by not realising this and failing to send any writers to prison .
12 cos the publicity is not just for visually impaired people or even for sponsors , it 's for theatres too when they 're seeing this and saying ooh , I noticed they 're doing that , this , this and this
13 For example Adrian Thatcher ( 1991 ) takes issue with the emphasis on private individualism which talk of " inwardness " tends to convey , seeing this as based on a radical distinction between what is objective and what is subjective — a distinction which , though very influential since the seventeenth century , is now regarded as mistaken .
14 In this way , they operated in a patron-client manner rather than as a united class opposing another and winning reforms through class struggle ( Galjart 1964 ) .
15 Find out ways to tolerate the apparently unchangeable circumstance ; to live through it without becoming upset or ruffled , remind yourself that it wo n't last forever .
16 In 1800 there were no access roads , no mountain rescue , no way of keeping dry or changing wet clothes until returning home which might take three days .
17 Others who have been home for a few months come in feeling as if their brains are becoming addled and wanting something to do .
18 This prevents her from becoming pregnant but does not interfere with her love-life .
19 How ironic that while she dreamed of becoming pregnant and bearing a child , her friend could think only of getting rid of hers .
20 Becoming pregnant and having a baby changes your life completely , whatever your age .
21 Becoming pregnant or going ahead with a pregnancy has to be a personal choice for each individual HIV positive woman .
22 While we have separate currencies a poor economic performance will show up as a balance of payments deficit — but with a single currency that warning signal would disappear , and a poor performance would show up by whole regions or countries becoming depressed and blighted areas afflicted with mass unemployment .
23 When the pressure difference between top and bottom reaches 5–8 lbf/in 2 ( 34.5–51.2 kPa ) it shows that the bed is becoming clogged and requires cleansing .
24 He will also clean away accumulated carbon every 60 hours to prevent the bottom rings becoming clogged and causing expensive damage .
25 Take , for example , the motive of becoming rich or winning admiration .
26 Worrying about people 's comments instead of keeping calm and concentrating on the flying and on getting down safely is often the root cause of a bad landing .
27 Nail clippers might also be required to prevent dew-claws from becoming overgrown and curling round into the dog 's flesh .
28 The local garden or allotment society may have access to good cheap muck ; stables sometimes let you take it free , but this will be steaming fresh and needs time , and space , to rot .
29 Instead his diaries had begun to assume something of the knowingness of incipient middle age ; at times , indeed , he was in danger of becoming priggish and opinionated .
30 Nicolette 's fusion of banging bass and meandering , torchy vocals — spiced with American blues and African music influences — has been impressing people since she was signed by north London 's Shut Up And Dance in 1990 .
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