Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] which make " in BNC.

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1 Unlike most extruded synthetic fibres , duck down has a branched and ramifying structure which makes it an unrivalled heat insulator .
2 If these can not be readily appreciated by children — as is often the case with young children who are typically limited to understanding tasks which make immediate sense — then children will produce inappropriate responses and apparently lack the mental capacity in question .
3 Although it is not primarily vocational , the course provides a valuable training in analytical techniques and writing skills which makes it a valuable preparation for a wide variety of careers , including the media , central and local government , and industrial and commercial management .
4 ‘ There are opportunities in Europe , but there are differences in culture and differences in operating costs which make it difficult to enter other European markets .
5 Another great aid to any part-time dining area is the trolley or serving cart which makes a valuable link between kitchen and eating area , is useful for transportation of food and dishes , and in addition provides storage and an extra serving surface .
6 Nevertheless teaching methods which make use of a combination of sensory inputs are likely to be more effective than those which rely on a single channel of communication .
7 We regret the consequences to the communities of Darlington and Spennymoor of the industry 's terminal decline but then we have never thought that having factories which make a product which kills people was ever anything to be proud of .
8 Very often the clients are unaware of their role in doing things which make their anxiety worse ( e.g. hyperventilating , catastrophizing , avoiding , etc . ) .
9 This may be because they are not working full-time or are not doing jobs which make full use of their abilities .
10 The contrast between these two cases should warn us against generalising propositions which make either fluidity and mobility of the working class , or tradition and community within particular branches , into uniquely favourable conditions for socialist organisation ( the first is perhaps Bologna 's temptation ; the second appears to be the temptation of the work done under the auspices of the ‘ History Workshop ’ ) .
11 If such ventures encourage better design for older people , they will undoubtedly banish practices which are unhelpful to most people , whatever their age : power points on skirting boards , washing machines which make you bend double to get the washing out , videorecorder cabinets which mean crawling around on the floor to put on tapes — all three are candidates for design improvements .
12 He told me that with chicken pox I should n't be with the team , and he kept making remarks which made me feel embarrassed .
13 But it was the regal and hampering collar which made Aunt Margaret beautiful .
14 By signing the convention Britain could help to end the impasse and take an active part in drafting rules which make the mining provisions more acceptable .
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