Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun] and [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Dip a quarter-of-an-inch of the rooting end into hormone rooting powder and tap off the excess .
2 Dip the base in hormone rooting powder and insert in very free-draining rooting compost , or equal parts peat and sand , four or five cuttings round the edge of a 5in pot .
3 Dip the cut end in rooting powder and insert in a hole made with a dibber in pots or trays of rooting compost .
4 Whole leaf with stalk ( African violet , peperomia ) : cut a leaf near the base of its stalk , dip the end in hormone rooting powder and insert in compost up to the leaf base .
5 Even more ‘ intrigued ’ was Mr Ryan of Bolton , who quipped , ‘ I have golf caddying experience and look good in a bowler hat . ’
6 To save entering the program segment for every program you write , create a file containing the program segment using PipeDream and save it in the plain text mode as EDBAS .
7 All reaping must be done by hand using sickle and scythe due to the difficulty in using modern machinery .
8 It is high time that we got rid of the Government who have characterised the 1980s with cardboard city and got a Government for the 1990s who will start using bricks and mortar again .
9 Recent tests by Rover have shown that , on the four cylinder car engines not designed to run lead free , valve seat regression still occurs when using Carbonflo and lead free fuel .
10 An open air stretch of route at Holywell is being constructed using cut and cover techniques in order to protect the security of the Tunnel between Shakespeare Cliff and Cheriton .
11 THE convicted Watergate figure Charles Colson , once known as ‘ the toughest of the tough ’ in the Nixon White House , won a million-dollar prize yesterday for bringing religion and hope to prisons .
12 The plan aims to reduce driving by bringing homes and work closer together .
13 She just wanted to hear her hero 's lovely voice , see those flashing eyes and bolster up her imagination with a few of his telling phrases about ‘ El Amor ’ .
14 ‘ Aye , after a battle once you have recited your thanksgivings , or prior to a campaign , while you are girding your soul for a crusade as now , as blessedly now — many of you may yearn to kneel in your cell with saw and magnilens , with rasp and buffing wheel and carbide graver , with brush and inkhorn .
15 Trading stock and work in progress
16 The area microphone was retained chiefly to record all those cockpit noises such as fire alarm bells , mach warnings , landing gear and flap selector operation and the hundred and one other identifiable noises that can be helpful to investigators .
17 On page 47 of ‘ Yoga Today ’ ( Vol. 12 No. 4 , August 1987 ) an advert for Pranayama Yoga , The Art of Relaxation , stated ‘ it will induce the mind to calmness , eliminating tension and help one to face the demands of each day without fatigue of mind or body . ’
18 To sum up the hybrid theory that has emerged : it is that non-reinforced pre-exposure to a stimulus will allow the formation of potentially interfering associations and bring about a loss of associability .
19 The distinction between blending inheritance and particulate inheritance has been of great importance in the history of evolutionary ideas .
20 The 500,000 state farm workers would now be able to organize themselves as trading companies and rent the land as individuals .
21 Leave the summit walking south and look out for a shallow gully leading towards a steep grass slope beside a burn and on to Glenlicht House .
22 Knowing the personal satisfaction of keeping body and mind wholly alert and fit , obeying no other master than his own conscience .
23 As the students came forward to claim their luggage the gendarme watched them closely , randomly checking passports and train tickets .
24 Fill a small flower pot with potting compost and push two or three date stones into the top .
25 Thus the most influential sociologists researching on later life in the last thirty years have been first and foremost concerned with documenting poverty and need among the old , rather than looking at their present lives as a whole , or how they reached where they are now .
26 Tackling rot and rust :
27 Trading statements and bid situations continued to provide plenty of work for analysts and recent buoyant sectors like properties , insurances , and stores ran into profit-taking .
28 Trading statements and bid situations continued to provide plenty of work for analysts and recent buoyant sectors like properties , insurances , and stores ran into profit-taking .
29 Meandering roads , cul-de-sacs and dead ends are of course popular with traffic engineers but nearly always they simply increase our car dependence , lengthen walking distances and make it too difficult for buses to circulate .
30 As you can see , it is cheaper to use our network of AutoBanking machines and pay your bills by Direct Debit .
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