Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] she go " in BNC.

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1 She was laughing as she went back to the garden and Wickham .
2 A woman who feels ignored all evening because her husband is preoccupied with his own thoughts or interests is not going to be interested in love-making when she goes to bed .
3 On a sudden impulse she was off , shouting as she went , ‘ What 's going on here ?
4 But Madeleine wo n't let me wake her up , she insists on waiting until she goes back to bed of her own accord .
5 ‘ You 're on , ’ she agreed , adding as she went by what her phrase-book had assured her was the correct greeting for early morning , ‘ Dobré ráno ! ’
6 Sally 's parents keep themselves aware of her circle of friends and make sure they know where she is going when she goes out .
7 Dawn was just breaking as she went down to the burn to fetch water .
8 Oh Deborah was moaning cos she went to a party the other last one this week , I think at the beginning of the week , and the had Joey the clown and Mr Nuttey , she said oh I 'd like them , but Sue said she went sort of a bit earlier and see how they got on and eh , she said oh it was n't the same at five , they did n't respond and .
9 She 'd been into biking since she went out with a Hell 's Angel called Rafe when she was sixteen .
10 Mrs Laughton resigned with much regret , saying as she went that Orkney Islands Council did n't appear to know what the role of the Reporter to the Children 's Panel should be , and determined to make her concerns public .
11 I can remember having when she went in to have our Pam and er I thought on the Wednesday afternoon had a bloody good walk round
12 For her , the trade of compositor was more an intellectual calling , not so much a craft and she found her work fascinating , reading as she went .
13 So saying , she thrust the coffee into Jack 's hand and made for the light reading ‘ Ladies ’ , rubbing and muttering as she went .
14 But once the children reached school age and the family moved to a farmhouse with lots of storage space , Angela began to build up a small trade , learning as she went and advertising in a local newspaper .
15 Sabatini had sympathy for her , admitting that she went through the same ordeal before winning the US Open in 1990 .
16 She walks around to the office , talking as she goes .
17 Emily left me , mouthing as she went out of the door that she was going back to the office .
18 She led the way , singing as she went .
19 Her heart was hammering as she went up the narrow , cheerless stairs she 'd last climbed before her interview .
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