Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [indef pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There are some good points — like explaining that everyone knows how to keep their balance and that normal balance should be used when skiing .
2 She had dreamt of this moment , fantasised it in her mind so many lonely dark nights , and now it was happening and nothing had prepared her for this self-destruction .
3 Of course although we 're talking about dying and nobody wants to think about dying let's remind ourselves it 's the only certainty in this life .
4 Mellor 1980a ) that consciousness dawned : in particular , consciousness of what was happening when one communicated .
5 It is still a thoughtful , finely acted and daringly all-encompassing film , suggesting that no-one has a fixed nature .
6 So A is suggesting that someone do something on Thursday .
7 And seeing that someone had joined them in the chapel , he pinched Caterina 's cheek , and lightly slapping her shoulder , said aloud , ‘ Away with you , find someone else to pester . ’
8 Realising that something had gone wrong , the alarmed miner was making his way out of the pit .
9 In Shah 's case Lord Scarman said , ‘ All that is necessary is that the purpose of living where one does [ eg , for education , employment , health , family or merely love of the place ] has a sufficient degree of continuity to be properly described as settled ’ .
10 Her look was so intense that Helen half-turned , almost believing that someone had opened it and was standing just inside the room .
11 But it is precisely the possibility of being wrong in believing that someone loves us that makes it appropriate to talk in this context of trust .
12 Aircraft dropped 100,000 leaflets on Mogadishu , warning that anyone pointing a weapon at members of the multinational force would be shot .
13 Do they take a blindfold and a pin into the booth with them , and then spend four years boasting that nobody had better take their support for granted if they want to get re-elected ?
14 So she kept her doubts to herself , merely remarking that everyone knew what Frenchmen were like and turning the whole thing into a rather laboured joke in which Iris eventually joined .
15 If you do not recognize that the question is implying that something has been selected , you will only answer a part and not the whole of it .
16 It is therefore natural to speak of my desire for coffee as the cause of my going to the kitchen ; a quite different kind of cause would be operating if someone twisted my arm behind my back and forced me to go .
17 After some years of controversy ( in which , admittedly , Smith himself did little to smooth things over , tending if anything to exacerbate the situation by his own behaviour ) , he was finally deposed from his chair in 1881 .
18 Several people were listening but nobody said anything at first .
19 STAINI RACK NUUL Introspection ( sometimes prompted by birthdays ) that one is not living as one determined to live when one was very young ; or , on the other hand , realizing that one is living in a mode decided upon when one was very young and which is now no longer applicable or appropriate
20 She was in the middle of making a salad dressing when someone rang her doorbell .
21 The worst target of all is the one that seems to be near but is forever receding as one gets closer to it .
22 Basically , water passes through a coarse strainer which needs a weekly rinse ; through foam that needs a weekly rinse and changing every four months ; through carbon that has only a two week life ; through two ceramic sponges that need rotating and one discarding every six months ; through the reusable Hex-Nodes and through a final polishing screen .
23 By supposing that one has a typical member to investigate one can maximize one 's knowledge of the properties and structure common to each member of the class by examining that one member in great detail .
24 But this means that there can be no justification for supposing that anything remains identical " per se " .
25 Adding that no-one seems to know what really happened , Slater went on to say that it was an apparent lack of early commitment by Motorola 's management which led to the loss of Sun and others as takers for the 88000 .
26 At the simplest level this means deciding that someone wearing , say , a skirt in our society is female and acting on the basis of this decision , or deciding that someone shouting at the top of his or her voice is excited or angry and acting accordingly .
27 At the simplest level this means deciding that someone wearing , say , a skirt in our society is female and acting on the basis of this decision , or deciding that someone shouting at the top of his or her voice is excited or angry and acting accordingly .
28 At the bar stood several men , well-dressed , hair slicked back , sharing the knowing sympathy of lions waiting until something passed that struck them as worth killing .
29 erm , and , and seems a lot better generally so , you know , just a question of waiting until somebody comes
30 It appears that the dads who are already paying are the one 's who are paying and nobody seems to chasing after the others .
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