Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 Any nurse may encounter an adoptee experiencing a crisis of self-identity at any age , and may be able to offer support simply by listening or may have to recommend the adoptee seek expert help from the local adoption agency , PAC or National Organisation for Counselling Adoptees and their Parents ( NORCAP ) for counselling about being adopted and practical information on instigating a search for birth parents .
2 The type we are looking for must have two edges , and a central rib . ’
3 In creating one she has inadvertently made a move towards alternative methods of selling that could have great significance for organic farming .
4 A report is aimed at a particular reader who is expecting and may have asked for facts , conclusions and recommendations .
5 The second subsection , by contrast , places an evidential burden on the defendant ( or the ‘ accused , ’ as the Act somewhat anachronistically refers to him ) to assert that he did not intend , and was not aware of the impact that his conduct was having or might have .
6 In return for financial support , Saatchi acquired an exclusive option to buy Information Consulting that would have to be exercised by June next year .
7 If I 'd known you were coming that would have been different ; I mean , bringing company .
8 It was an object lesson in finishing that would have preyed on the minds of the Belgian team at half time as they reflected on an opening 45 minutes during which it seemed only a matter of time before they took the lead .
9 Poland did more than enough to win in every respect except finishing and must have regretted Dariusz Dziekanowski 's failure to beat Shiton with a header after half an hour .
10 The Court of Appeal concluded that this was a case of deliberate and secret action by the employees and the defendants in circumstances in which they must have known the exact result of what they were doing and must have known it was wrong .
11 It is now likely that a student will experience ballooning a number of times while learning and will have learned to avoid moving forwards on the stick automatically .
12 He was perspiring and would have liked to take off his jacket .
13 In fact , the sound is heard at any time when two cats are fighting and may have nothing whatever to do with sexual encounters .
14 ‘ Anybody watching that would have said I was a rapist and you were being raped . ’
15 The Sunday Citizen explained his enthusiasm for the Profumo affair because of a long-cherished personal grudge against Profumo and of having unearthed a juicy scandal by snooping that would have done credit to a divorce detective .
16 However much teasing that must have provoked , her voice has been a considerable advantage over the years .
17 If it finds that the plant is not working that could have serious repercussions , beyond the straight forward cost of replacement .
18 There was only one sound , a murmurous sighing that might have been her own blood in her ears .
19 Moreover , the event described in the clause following because will have happened before that described in the main clause , whereas the event described in the clause following so will have happened after that described in the main clause .
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