Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [verb] away " in BNC.

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1 I knew he was twisting and tugging away up there but the local had mercifully done its job .
2 Within seconds each man was twisting and skidding away from the attackers .
3 Photographing wildlife sounds easy — have your camera at the ready when you 're out walking and click away when you spot something .
4 It was her face chiefly that I saw brightening and fading away in my mind 's eye .
5 The sound from next door had risen to a mechanical drumbeat , like a pneumatic drill hammering away , it was him , banging and banging away at Jenny , she could almost hear the girl 's screams .
6 I was surprised to find that she had such a rich and violent internal life and that all this was smouldering and seething away .
7 While it is quite true that , with exceptional care , a polythene liner is capable of lasting for 10 years or more , it is more likely that it will perish within three , the area between the water surface and ground level being bleached by the sun , cracking and falling away .
8 Under Juan 's pony 's elegant hooves , the ground was cracking and blowing away in clouds of dust .
9 Scientific explanations , scientists like M. Hammerton inform us , huffing and puffing away like the good little , non-pontificating rational beings they are , are completely objective phenomena , and value-free , which is even more to the point .
10 Encourage anyone who wishes , to help at meal times either by preparing , serving or clearing away .
11 The Perks were running from the hangar , bounding and sliding away out of sight , back down to where they came from .
12 It 's full to the damn brim with diamonds , glittering and gleaming away like they was alive .
13 He thumped and jumped about the house , or would lie and watch television with his hands and feet tapping and banging away constantly .
14 She winced at his ruthless manipulation , and he moved forwards quickly , confounding her by kneeling and pulling away her hands , holding them by her sides , the weight of his body pressing against her as his mouth came inexorably closer towards her pulsating nipple .
15 Sniffing and wiping away her tears with her fists like a child , she climbed out and hastily dragged on her dressing-gown .
16 You can sometimes hear them in a busy street brrrming and screeching away to themselves , negotiating their way through the pedestrians .
17 Robyn wondered whether he 'd simply put the receiver down without her realising and walked away .
18 Cotton buds . for administering and wiping away surplus ointment , antiseptic washes etc .
19 So before adding or taking away fractions okay .
20 Before adding or taking away we get the number on the bottom to be the same right .
21 I could get all sorts of reasonable tones , but live or recorded I was n't hearing the sound of an AC30 ; all I could hear was the Power Tool 's solid state amp and the massive amount of EQ I was adding and taking away .
22 For when we 're adding and taking away and things .
23 Because it 's very , I mean you know mathematicians have written books about this , erm and yeah kids of five or six are quite happily adding and taking away until they get to negative numbers , until someone says ah I 'm going to add to that money you 've got there , I 'm gon na add minus seven .
24 When we did our table this is for adding and taking away erm that 's a positive number and that 's a negative number , okay ?
25 Although it was barely daylight , they were already twittering and tweeting away at full pelt .
26 His immediate reaction was to turn and walk away , but to date , his life had been spent turning and walking away , allowing his mother to have her own way , to do things her way .
27 Ursula flicked a fragment of cigarette ash off the sleeve of her black dress and added , almost as an afterthought , ‘ Poor Maurice , ’ before turning and walking away towards the house .
28 Ready to concentrate on milking and hoeing and clearing away the broad beans and planting out the rest of the cabbages , so that everything was done before the harvest on Tuesday .
29 Woolley had n't moved , but the other pilots were shifting and looking away .
30 The moth , moreover , can tell whether the bat is to the right or left ( because it has an ear on each side ) and whether it is approaching or moving away .
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