Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some people are just much more sensitive and perceptive in transmitting or receiving data than others .
2 Surface decoration was achieved by modelling and lost-wax casting , by repoussé work , the infill of champlevé work by gold or niello or by incising or punching designs .
3 There has always been an international dimension to civil litigation , and States have found it desirable to devote some efforts to easing the difficulties experienced by their citizens and business enterprises in pursuing or defending claims involving persons or entities in other countries .
4 Is it correct to claim , as Marsh does , that aggression is ‘ the inflicting of physical hurt ’ with its associated aim of ‘ subduing or achieving dominance over a rival ’ ( 1978 : 33 ) or should one follow Eibl-Eibesfeldt 's broader definition and classify behaviour as aggressive ‘ if it leads to another party 's being hurt ; this includes not just physical hurt ( injury or destruction ) but any kind of hurt , including annoyance , taunts or insults ’ ( 1978 : 29 ) ?
5 Furthermore , there is no general rule of law preventing a former employee canvassing or doing business with customers of his former employer .
6 There has been a great deal of change in European Securities Exchanges , much of it on the lines of London 's Big Bang ( abolition of fixed commissions in Paris , for example ) , and much of it with a view to maintaining or gaining business .
7 In his report of this first experiment Dement also reported that his subjects tended to become paranoid while deprived of REM sleep — ascribing sinister motives to the experimenter , and developing all sorts of unreasonable suspicions as well as having some bizarre experiences such as hallucinations ( seeing or hearing things which were not there ) .
8 I thought he was simply jealous of the time I spent with her , instead of sitting on the other side of the gas fire , knitting or darning socks while he marked his school books .
9 The effects of allowing or inhibiting entry are examined in this section first by investigating the plausibility of completely free entry , then by seeing whether firms can adopt policies to guard against entry .
10 I say , let pastels stand on their own merits , let them be drawing or colouring sticks , or crayons .
11 Coopers , which is not accepting or denying liability under the agreement , says that the money will come from ‘ various sources ’ , including its insurers .
12 You know , very often when you go from one country to another you go through an area of re , what is called no man 's land , you come through from one frontier and then you 've got a distance and you come to the next frontier that does n't exist as far as accepting or rejecting Christ is concerned .
13 Like most at the top of the business , Reitzle was n't going to go on the record either openly praising or criticising Giugiaro .
14 When handling or checking cash the cashier should exercise particular care .
15 His real mother complained to social services that he had disappeared from home and might have been glue sniffing or taking drugs , it was alleged at Mold Crown Court .
16 Hands that flutter , flap or fiddle ; the nervous twitch ; repeated sniffing or dangling earrings ; the constant movement of the head , the wagging finger etc may fascinate the listener — busy with these details , he wo n't try to understand what is being said .
17 An extremely ‘ permissive ’ parent , on the other hand , attempts to behave in a non-punitive , accepting and affirmative manner towards children 's impulses , desires and actions ; always to consult with them about policy decisions and give explanations for family rules ; to make few demands for household responsibility and orderly behaviour ; to present himself/herself to them as someone to call upon for help and company as they wish , rather than as an active ‘ disciplinary agent ’ responsible for shaping or altering behaviour .
18 However , they say , ‘ we expect that USL ( or its parent , AT&T [ sic ] ) will threaten to review or withdraw research grants made to any university or research institution using or distributing software based on NET2 , even though no violation has yet been proven . ’
19 They tell Michael they are looking for new ways of using or acquiring skills .
20 They sought to restrain the defendant , who had been employed as their works manager , from using or disclosing information obtained in their service .
21 In an effort to make this happen , Baker next year plans to hand out ‘ 173 million to industries either using or making IT products , an increase of some £120 million compared to 1979 .
22 The essence of riot is the use of unlawful violence by two or more persons in a group of at least twelve persons who are using or threatening violence .
23 The essence of violent disorder ( section 2 ) is the use or threat of unlawful violence in a group of at least three persons who are using or threatening violence .
24 The Act buttressed the law on trespass with two new criminal offences : using or threatening violence in order to obtain entry to any premises , and occupying a house or flat and refusing to leave at the request of the rightful occupier .
25 It should be noted that while 12 persons must be present who are using or threatening violence , only the person charged need be shown to have intended to use the violence .
26 " Where three or more persons who are present together , use or threaten unlawful violence and the conduct of them ( taken together ) is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety , each of the persons using or threatening violence is guilty of violent disorder . "
27 The principle must be that although affray is a continuing offence , where the participants can no longer be said to be using or threatening violence towards another person , the offence is complete .
28 A person who throws a missile at a football match can clearly be guilty of violent disorder ( provided always that there are three or more present using or threatening violence ) , since his conduct can be regarded as violence by virtue of the extended definition of ‘ violence ’ in the Act .
29 It created a statutory offence of riot — 12 or more people using or threatening violence for an unlawful purpose .
30 The use of circling or underlining parts of their work , arrows to show how pieces of work connect , brainstorming , asterisks to show things which may be worth returning to , parts of diagrams abandoned as a result becomes clear , and other messy ways of working may need to be encouraged if people are used to hiding their rough work or throwing it away .
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