Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] well [that] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd come out here to try to make trouble over her work , but luckily everything was going so well that he 'd find that difficult .
2 Things were going so well that she did n't want anyone else interfering with what she had worked so hard for .
3 Afterwards he had completed his training as a fighter pilot , performing so well that he was assigned to take an instructors ' course with the Navy at San Diego .
4 There were marvellous areas of growth , like Caribbean cruising with the fantastic prices and quality incidental to the impact of all the extra tonnage , and the ferries were doing so well that it would be a good idea to discourage people from turning up in hordes at Dover unticketed .
5 Bulmers is doing so well that it 's going to need an extra two hundred tons of apples a day from local growers …
6 ‘ But you have gone beyond the bounds of prudence ; knowing perfectly well that the great majority of our readers are men … ’
7 ‘ You know about life in an accountant 's office ? ’ she asked with a degree of innocence , while knowing perfectly well that he did .
8 Every year that I have been Minister with responsibility for housing — it is now six years — the Housing Executive has suggested an amount which it hopes that the Government will give it , while knowing perfectly well that it will not get all that it asks for .
9 Jake smiled as he said it , knowing perfectly well that no such thought had ever entered her head .
10 It was amazing how well that worked .
11 The other girls , knowing quite well that she had done it for the benefit of one Geoffrey A. Machin , were shocked and admiring , but the convention restrained them from expressing either shock or admiration .
12 When the three of them had been together in the kitchen , the infant Camille crawling round with jam on her face and fingers , he had sat in a state of sullenness bordering on rage or had conspicuously moved about preparing food for himself , knowing quite well that his dinner was cooking in the oven .
13 ‘ I 've known him a long time , ’ Maggie said desperately , knowing quite well that she was being taunted and feeling just a little defenceless .
14 After two hours Ii managed to get David to sign the papers knowing full well that , after over 12 years of living in those conditions , I would probably want to die myself .
15 The visitor left , forgetting to take her sewing machine , and I left with her , knowing full well that I would never see Aisha again and that news of my forcing the lock on her cupboard would reach my family and the whole village well amplified , so that I 'd end up accused of stealing all of Aisha 's possessions .
16 Connolly and Wilson , we may agree , lived dangerously ; they took risks , knowing full well that they were not au fait with the latest scholarship , had not mastered ‘ the secondary material ’ .
17 Returning to the front of the croft I batter once more on the door , knowing full well that I shall never see her again .
18 ‘ Well , I guess I agree with the committee 's original view that we should not put any major new investment in the UK , ’ Klepner replied , knowing full well that this line would be supported by Mueller and most of the Americans around the table .
19 He had accepted the invitation gladly , knowing full well that it would be his last opportunity to speak in public as a European executive of United Motors .
20 Arafat had ordered the inhabitants of Tel al-Za'atar not to surrender , knowing full well that they would be defeated .
21 In more worldly Penzance the Mayor would , each Mid-summer 's eve , issue a proclamation that no bonfires were to be lit , knowing full well that , as evening fell crowds of youths would nonetheless throng the streets flourishing torches , rolling tar barrels and lighting fires at every town and village around Mounts Bay .
22 Among those who campaigned tirelessly for gifted youngsters , knowing full well that there was more at stake than mere survival , was Greta Burkill .
23 A month later in Egypt she sat forlornly on her own in front of the Pyramids , knowing full well that the media would again sympathise with her lonely vigil .
24 In his usual thrusting manner , he fought inside McLaren to get the engine put to use as soon as possible , knowing full well that engine development on a bench or in testing is very different to developing an engine that will be competitive under the stress of FI racing .
25 ‘ Rogal Dorn has blessed you with wisdom , ’ Lexandro said airily , knowing full well that Tundrish spent much more time in the scriptories than praying in cell or chapel .
26 ‘ I chose to go to South Africa in 1988 , knowing full well that in so doing I would miss out on England 's tour to Australia and Fiji .
27 ‘ How about a bit of jugged hare or perhaps a nice plump breast of chicken , ’ she said , knowing full well that such delicacies were beyond the reach of the poor worker .
28 USL is apparently unwilling to budge on standard pricing , knowing full well that SCO is trying to pull together an agreement for SVR4 by the time of its showpiece SCO Forum in Santa Cruz this week .
29 Knowing full well that I was a wimp at heart , it was refreshing to be treated as something else .
30 A powerful Muslim force was besieging his city of Tiberias and he gave the order to advance to its relief knowing full well that by leaving his camp he was risking battle .
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