Example sentences of "[v-ing] [be] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A feature of village life that we can not help noticing is how people come together to share their common joys and griefs .
2 South Africa has the highest murder rate in the world but the area where the women were holidaying is relatively crime free .
3 The purpose of praying is not prayer , but to delight in God , and commune with him for his own sake .
4 Although he had a stylish vulnerability when it came to cars , driving was not Baxter 's strong point .
5 McCloskey is right , up to a point , in claiming that in cases such as these we have changed the concept : ‘ What we are ascribing and according are not rights in the ordinary sense of rights ’ ( 1975 : 416 ) .
6 Questions about trumping and revoking are not questions about experiences — or , if they are , they are psychological questions , not questions about the concepts of trumping and revoking .
7 A convenient place in which to start looking is frequently Halsbury 's Laws of England .
8 She is , above all , Joyce 's central recognition , exultant recognition that yearning is not defeat and identification is not a proof of some fatal inner yielding to the pull of mediocrity .
9 The first , the first one that we 're really gon na test you on is gon na be testing is tomorrow morning .
10 The cost of simply keeping the Falklands going is approximately £20,000 per person per year ( compared with Britain , where the figure is about £4,500 per person ) .
11 Racing 's only Sunday meeting of the year is to be staged at Lingfield Park on 1 August .
12 By s.4 land generally speaking is not property which can be stolen .
13 Clothes buying is hardly Yuri 's preferred foreign pastime , though : ‘ When I travel , I prefer to sneak off to look at cars and buy accessories for the ones I have at home — a Volvo , an Audi , a Volkswagen , a Japanese Micro bus — and my favourite , an old Chevrolet .
14 He also noted that sales in the first two months of the year are ahead of company budgets , but this failed to help the shares , which closed 30p lower at 143p , having been down 38p at one stage .
15 Having been twice vice-president ( 1754–5 , 1757–8 ) , he was elected president on 9 December 1757 on the resignation of William Walker .
16 I think you have to appreciate here that what we are doing is mainly therapy .
17 Moreover , focusing is not Mr Clinton 's strength .
18 What we are seeing is not churchmen meddling in politics but following through the logic of their theology which Professor T. F. Torrance has dubbed ‘ a radical disjunction between faith and reason . ’
19 Possibly what I was seeing was not Birmingham but our urban and industrial civilisation .
20 It 's plann i Planning is now policy led yes , but but but er planning is n't a slave to policy .
21 it 's strictly speaking streaming is when Paul would be in the top group for everything not necessarily , I mean settings better really it 's important
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