Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Blushing furiously she turned away but still she felt the eyes of the Frenchman on her naked back .
2 I would have thought if she would have sat in the chair , I mean well she could n't go the week aha I do n't young enough yeah , about a month ago she just peed of somewhere and some , I do n't know , she 's alright , I said yes she 'll be alright , I said I 'm going to start cooking so she said I got to take these Heather , I said well they 'll travel better in there , your father said you know Jane he said if you 'd given her a hand
3 She was drowning so she had
4 Another example of that , when a colleague of mine joined as a Trainee Manager , she was being shown round the branch by the Section and as they went , they were walking along she said oh this is the room and Susie thought , what 's it , a buff and she said that 's racking and Susie said what 's the overs racking .
5 She was too shaken with sobs to risk driving so she sat there for two hours weeping her heart out while neighbours and passers-by studiously ignored her obvious distress .
6 Before returning home she paid a private visit to Kentucky .
7 If she were her normal self she would be pottering happily around Simone , laughing whenever she got in her way and sticking her fingers in the food .
8 Driving back she scanned the fields , the forestry , the ditches at the sides of the road , anything but Leon Kennedy .
9 The Girl was explaining how she thought perhaps she ought to make some kind of thanks to them for their hospitality .
10 HE insisted that the Church has never ruled that a priest should not have sex , only that he should not marry , ’ says Monika ( sic ) Kocanek by way of explaining how she ended up in bed with Fr Christopher O'Neill and then found herself pregnant .
11 What was the point of denying how she felt ?
12 Next moment she was blundering towards the voice , blindly , hardly noticing when she stumbled ; she came to the hollow where the wrecked car lay , and saw a pale patch on the ground beside it .
13 Something uncompromising in Flora prevented her from understanding where she went wrong .
14 Explaining why she thought there were so few women in science , she said :
15 Looking down she expected to see blood , awfulness , something dead .
16 On listening harder she became certain the chant was ‘ Bony lady 's husband 's dead ’ .
17 Without looking up she said : ‘ I do n't know what you are getting at , Mr Wycliffe ; all this was a long time ago . ’
18 And then she heard a gunshot and the sound of a horn , and looking back she saw , high on Ballymacadoyle Hill , her own father and brothers and a crowd of others too , and they were waving and shouting — and suddenly she understood exactly what was happening : they were giving her their last farewell ; she was leaving Ireland , and might never return .
19 For in looking back she underplayed the impact of feminist discourses on the repeal struggle .
20 He had looked at her in a way that frightened and worried her , but looking back she became excited and stirred by his attention .
21 Lord C had said she 'd borne them with stoicism , but looking back she realised she 'd been disappointed not to receive the whole dozen .
22 Elizabeth , watching , felt an unexpected sympathy for her , remembering how she had felt herself , with baby Alan in her arms and him not even hers .
23 Remembering how she had stood on the tower battlements the next morning , watching her knight ride away .
24 Meredith felt the memory freeze her bones , remembering how she 'd comforted her paralysed grandmother during the long wait for the ambulance , knowing this was her third heart attack .
25 She flushed now , remembering how she 'd realised last night that he must have returned without her hearing .
26 She did n't rush back to his table , but the next time she was passing by she stopped .
27 Lady Maude nodded , remarking how she had heard that Sir Ralph was a hard , cruel man .
28 She was just about to go inside again when over to her right , by the high stone wall that marked the boundary of the Roscarrock estate , she heard a single , high-pitched whistle , and looking round she saw a face observing her from the other side .
29 Without looking round she sped towards him , hearing the heavy feet running behind her .
30 Penelope hesitated , hardly remembering where she had been going .
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