Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] on [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The audience always begin laughing early on and they miss the last line , ’ said Den .
2 The Group has also established programmes to alleviate the shortfall in particular disciplines by recruiting HNC trainees and sponsoring apprentices for training both on and offshore .
3 Hendrix performed his end of the festival set under what looks like a makeshift tarpaulin stage and the band , his largest ever , seems to be swelled by all sorts of hangers-on , stage hands wandering aimlessly on and offstage .
4 Taking into account the volume of erupted volcanic material lying both on and below the surface of the ocean floor , it can be estimated that a minimum construction rate of between 0.005 and 0.01 km 3 a- 1 is required for a volcanic island to be produced in 1 Ma on lithosphere between 20 and 40 Ma old .
5 Anyway she 's been going out on and off for quite a while now .
6 A fingerpost points to a short path descending amongst trees to a footbridge over the river , flowing erratically on and under its limestone bed .
7 Well I think personally I think it 's a very serious problem , but it 's something that we were talking earlier on and asking ourselves in what way , you know , the college or university authorities can set about policing undergraduate behaviour .
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