Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 National Savings income bonds might just be worth hanging on to at 11.75 per cent if you are a non-taxpayer .
2 You could never be absolutely sure , Jasper thought , that up there in the tunnel roof there would n't be some great iron bar or post sticking down to within an inch or two of the top of the car .
3 They these when I remember the garage , it was a series of er lock up garages in the front , with a central one opening right through to the back .
4 The electronics division of EMI was expected to continue to generate cash , initially at a higher level than the scanner operation and ending up at about the same amount .
5 The words came mumbling up from beneath the bent head .
6 Undercutting , polishing and pitting up to about 3 m ( 10 ft ) confirms that wind has played at least an important part in their development , while their restriction to areas of erodible sandstone providing a large amount of material for sand blasting also strongly suggests the part played by the wind .
7 What what the government , what the erm the consortium and paper 's about er , is improving the , the identification band that was hanging over of of health care , once that recipe is will get much larger consortium er , it 's much widespread of er , devotion , expertise er , er professionalism in in assessing health needs er think about one of those areas that have been saved from in West Essex over the last over the last few years and by going into a much larger group with more resources erm , there will , they will be able to actually er work er far , far more effectively in sorting out what 's actually needed .
8 He had thought of Doreen 's absences every night , the front-door banging in the early hours of the morning , the whine of a car drawing away from beneath his window .
9 At the top of the Alps they were able to rest and enjoy the blue sky , the panoramic view and the sense of looking down from on top of the world .
10 The leisure and recreational movements generated from the grassroots or from the concerned philanthropist looking down from on high were to give way to a cultural and economic popularism which was to be progressively constructed by the new generation of market-orientated professionals .
11 During the parrot 's walkabout her eyes had been focused on the chocolate biscuit in silver paper protruding slightly from under Aunt Tossie 's third and last pillow .
12 Alexandra thought of calling her back , explaining that Mrs Chamberlin might regret her kind invitation to dine with them on Christmas Day if Alexandra were to upstage the Rectory family in such a way , but then she reflected on the goodness of Mrs Chamberlin 's heart and the necessity of living up to at least some of Lyddy 's expectations of her .
13 Fei Yen had been looking up from beneath her lashes , her pose the very image of demure , obedient womanhood .
14 Tallyman ( itinerant credit trader , credit draper or clothing club ) Doorstep credit for clothes or textiles costing up to about £30 , fixed instalments collected weekly , often in 20 weeks , interest fixed at start .
15 You can also walk round the lake , or , more ambitiously , follow for a stretch up to the even higher Lacs d'Ayous , the red and white marked stones of the GR10 , the magnificent high path that leads from one end of the Pyrenees to the other and which you keep meeting up with at these altitudes .
16 ‘ Brian is a very amenable bloke whom I 'm looking forward to meeting up with at Twickenham , ’ he said .
17 ‘ That 's lovely , ’ Ruth said , picking out from amongst them a spiral shell , cream and pink with an almost pearly translucence .
18 The daylight fixtures are going too , I understand that Yorkshire are bowing out after at least 30 years of playing Ulster every season .
19 He had been invincible earlier , when he had changed — the real self pushing out from behind his human mask — but now he was her meat .
20 Most ancient silver was extracted from argentiferous ( silver-rich ) lead by cupellation , a process dating back to at least the second millennium BC , which involved oxidising the lead to molten litharge ( lead oxide ) , leaving the relatively unreactive silver as the metal .
21 The fragments have a long and complex history since their discovery , dating back to at least the sixteenth century .
22 There are so many things you 've got to be looking out for in those
23 A recorded voice was booming out from behind the pay-booth where some Americans were pushing their jerky way through .
24 But soon , yes , she would have to take the telegram and walk to the shop and watch Enid fainting and Mother rustling out from behind the counter .
25 The land here was dotted about with gorse bushes and he half-expected a dog to come bounding out from among them .
26 He 's come here with a fixed idea , which he 's been looking forward to for half his life .
27 School is something Sophie 's been looking forward to for ages , and it 's not long before she 's settled in .
28 It is a game I have been looking forward to for some time .
29 Comment : The bane of the quiet dinner à deux you were looking forward to in your local French restaurant , and of that meeting which you hoped would reach a rapid resolution .
30 Cheers Marjie , that 's what the people say , Oh Marjie , how many memories have you Marjie , Some sad , some glad , some more that made you real mad , But all in all , what an interesting career you 've had , Oh Marjie keep healthy , happy and without fail writing too For without your good advice , life is a little less nice Marjie , the very best to you . ’
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