Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 Macaulay was attributing rather too much blame to Frederick II of Prussia when he wrote ‘ in order that he might rob a neighbour whom he had promised to defend , black men fought on the coast of Coromandel , and red men scalped each other by the Great Lakes of North America . ’
2 To be fair to yourself you should be certain that you are bringing in as much money as you should .
3 Girls of seven undertook babysitting chores , cleaned steps and ran errands , sometimes bringing in as much as 1/6d to 2/ a week .
4 They can go into the furtherance of a chosen goal , and here something of the difference between the ‘ Mistress of the Beasts ’ and the male hunter can be glimpsed , for whereas a man may wrestle openly with every difficulty on the way , women can use more precision and grace , choosing moments with care , sensing the atmosphere , and employing only as much force as is necessary .
5 A polystyrene box , or even cardboard box filled with loads of scrunched up newspaper will help keep the water from cooling down too much on the way home .
6 In condemning these bad films the reviewers were also revealing just how much the movie industry had learnt .
7 Greenpeace has criticised ICI 's plans for not revealing exactly how much pollution and waste each plant produced in order to enable environmental groups to monitor its progress in reducing them .
8 A description of 1678 is so close to the kind of situation which Mayhew would give of London in the mid-nineteenth century , that it must be taken as applying just as much to the eighteenth : a poor woman that goes three days a week to wash or scoure abroad , or one that is employed in nurse-keeping three or four months in a year , or a poor market-woman who attends three or four mornings in a week with her basket , and all the rest of the time these folks have little or nothing to do .
9 I see him ending up pretty much like Stephen , half-fulfilled and half-frustrated — a third-rater , ’ she said , candidly and regretfully , ‘ and knowing it . ’
10 Sustad does not give interviews because he dislikes reading about climbing about as much as he dislikes talking about it .
11 Damn , she was doing it again — revealing far too much of her innermost thoughts , and to this man of all people !
12 She thought they must be drunk , they were weaving about so much .
13 ‘ I 've been noticing how very much roof you have , ’ she said to my mother .
14 Few animals inspire such extremes of love and hate as the fox , and this may go some way towards explaining why so much nonsense is written and talked about them .
15 With this building and some rearrangement in existing rooms , the Science departments were allowed to expand , with Chemistry gaining half as much space again , and Physics three times the amount it had , by moving its laboratory into the old Art Room .
16 Even quite old children will sometimes be seen at the breast , long after they have begun to eat an adult diet , sucking not so much for sustenance as for emotional consolation .
17 I grew up wanting not so much money as glamour , and when I left school at 15 I went to work in the department store , Bourne & Hollingsworth .
18 After you claim , you are told in writing exactly how much pension you will get .
19 That is one reason why companies like ICI and IBM are building up comprehensive communications programmes , internal as well as external which involve listening just as much as talking .
20 Although this was the grandest , Bering 's voyage of discovery was only one of many scientific expeditions in the eighteenth century , and through the efforts of government-sponsored explorers and private entrepreneurs — the latter seeking not so much scientific information as further killing grounds in the pursuit of the lucrative sea otter — Russia 's political and commercial power began to reach out beyond the Siberian landmass across the northern Pacific , taking in the Aleutian and Kuril Islands , Russian America ( the present Alaska ) , as well as establishing trading settlements down the western coast of America , and even making a short-lived foray into the Hawaiian archipelago .
21 Altrincham was writing not so much out of malice as out of a wish to save the monarchy if not from itself , then from the court .
22 The problem with that was that every time me and James played , we played with varying degrees of attack on our guitars so we were constantly out of tune with each other because the strings were flapping around so much . ’
23 Effective study does not mean reading twice as fast ( one measure of efficiency ) or writing twice as much in a given time period ( another measure of output over input ) .
24 Put in the rennet , measuring it carefully and remembering about too much making a tough and acid curd ; stir it well into the milk .
25 I am looking forward very much to their responses .
26 I had a WONDERFUL time and can only say that Malcolm and I are looking forward very much to many happy journeys in her at home and abroad in the future .
27 ‘ I do n't think New Zealand 's batsmen will be looking forward too much to going out there , ’ he said .
28 The amp switches on with that disconcerting ‘ plop ’ that you get from most tranny machines and would certainly not expect from a hi-fi costing half as much .
29 He said , ‘ I 'm going on too much .
30 D'Arcy savoured his brandy and studied Victor for a moment , before deciding exactly how much to tell the Frenchman .
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