Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [adv] [num] " in BNC.

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1 A thunderous , psychedelicious affair , ‘ The Storm ’ floats along on the ghostly groove , touching on early '80 's electro pop , a late-'80s dance feel and even the danker ends of the late-'60s trip , while the B-side offers a spruced-up version of The Rolling Stones ' ‘ She 's A Rainbow ’ .
2 A thunderous , psychedelicious affair , ‘ The Storm ’ floats along on the ghostly groove , touching on early '80 's electro pop , a late-'80s dance feel and even the danker ends of the late-'60s trip , while the B-side offers a spruced-up version of The Rolling Stones ' ‘ She 's A Rainbow ’ .
3 Under PNP , schools have been able to break away from the traditional conception of primary school professional life centring on just two roles : those of head and class teacher .
4 Kuwait , with a capacity of 2,000,000 bpd before the Iraqi occupation and subsequent fire damage , was thought to be producing only about 500,000 bpd , but planned to increase its output to 900,000 bpd by June 1992 and to 1,500,000 bpd by the end of the year as most of its fire-damaged wells came back on stream .
5 More than 100 people have already been caught speeding in just 2 days .
6 Individually the trusts were small , usually maintaining only about 20 miles of road , but as they were formed and linked , the basis for a coherent road network was being established .
7 Mr Stewart said events like Europartenariat — a European Community initiative aimed at bringing together over 1,000 companies to form trading links — were important as it could help Scottish companies implement their European strategies by meeting potential business partners .
8 An Assembly of Citizens of the Russian Federation , bringing together about 4,000 Yeltsin supporters , met on April 5 .
9 Kennedy put up a variety of items for auction , the whole collection bringing in over eighty-eight thousand pounds .
10 Ian Elmore and John Whitwich , from Walsall , were horrified to see dozens of specimen tench and big carp struggling in just ten inches of water when they visited engineering works on the Park Hall stetch of the Rushall Canal near Walsall .
11 Some tyre levers and allan keys were missing but by driving slowly back I ( or rather we , as I 'd offered some fellow tourists a lift back to town ; what with delays getting started , and then this to-do , I bet they wished they 'd never bothered , it would have been quicker to walk ! — and when we finally did set off again , I accidentally left one of them behind , running along the road behind us waving and shouting ! ) — we , as I say , found most of the missing items .
12 Clara B seems to live in fear of me appearing on there one evening .
13 This is happening in over ten per cent of all the cases that are coming up before your agency or your government 's agency , whereby a working parent so-called absent according to you , is supporting not only his children , his ex-wife , or his e if it 's if it 's the husband supporting
14 Now age is taking its toll , with Mr Dunlop and Mr Fullarton part of a dwindling band of veterans , numbering only about 50 in Britain .
15 If we add an edge from I to J , we will create a cycle ( a sequence of distinct edges , each having a node in common with its predecessor , and each node appearing in exactly two edges ) by adding the edge I to J to the edges of the path from J to 1 .
16 A given subject saw a sentence of 40 materials , each material appearing in only one of its eight possible versions .
17 ( e ) The Burroughs range of medium and large computers comprising the B5000 ( appearing in about 1961 ) , the B5500 , B6500 , and B7500 ( appearing in the late 1960s ) , and the more recent B5700 , B6700 , and B7700 .
18 Japan will take America by surprise by storming in early one morning and buying Pearl Harbor .
19 The crust , therefore , is an extremely thin surface layer representing only about 0.5 per cent of the Earth 's radius .
20 Lapels started widening in late '71 & some rounded ( tulip ) lapels .
21 Recall that the experimental group ( E group in Fig. 2.5(b) ) in this experiment received exposure to two distinctive contexts ( those used by Channell and Hall 1983 ) , with presentations of a light occurring in only one of them ( context A in the figure ) .
22 If -ed , -ing , -er and -tion are all compressed , the tree representing just over 70,000 words would be reduced from 2,628,928 bytes to 1,972,416 bytes .
23 The official figure for voter turnout was over 1,600,000 people , representing just over 90 per cent of those registered to vote .
24 It provided for a record deficit of 185,340,000 million forint ( US$2,260 million ) , representing just under 6 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) and slightly less than the deficit expected for 1992 .
25 Here , the Christian forces defeated the Almoravids resoundingly , killing and driving off literally thousands of the Moors .
26 ’ … so pro rata , even by our own romantic criteria for singling out just one girl from the hundred we meet , there must be at least fifteen million members of the opposite sex in the world who would make an ideal mate ! …
27 They significantly reduced overhead by combining various subhead-quarters of related businesses , thereby eliminating well over 20,000 overhead positions .
28 Indeed , following the street further along to where it runs over the little round-backed bridge , I could see the mist rising from the river , obscuring almost entirely one of the bridge-posts .
29 Extending his psychic sense of presence , he felt how the battle inside Vasilariov was congealing , slowing and centring desperately about fifteen kilometres north of the hotel .
30 Despite living only about 10 minutes from each other , the two have not met for 50 years .
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