Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] his [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This hot-tempered ingrate was denying him his rights as head of the tribe .
2 coerces some kid into selling him his marbles , that 's corruption is n't it ?
3 So you may have to wait till next year when I find a job for this year 's Christmas present — but this MUST NOT stop giving me his ideas as his birthday present is long overdue .
4 After handing her his gloves , hat and coat , he walks into the drawing room , calls for a sherry and says , ‘ Evening dearest , what 's on tonight ? ’
5 When she stole a glance to see how Marc was taking it his lips were white .
6 He 's got a flair ( not a formula ) for knowing what his customers want and ensuring that they get it .
7 He had the art of lighting up the faces of those he met by a single kindly word , and so making them his admirers in a flash .
8 Kurt is showing me his glasses which , along with his new hairstyle , are supposed to enable him to walk down the street unrecognised .
9 He , he pulled his erm trousers down and he was showing us his pants and stuff .
10 He has n't redeemed and restored back to what we were , but he 's gone way , way beyond that , in making us his children and bringing us into a very special relationship with himself .
11 Piggy would almost definitely have saved the boys as he could have held on to their love for civilisation by telling them his stories about his auntie , as both his parents were dead .
12 He is intrinsically proud : this reveals itself through his habit of defining himself by telling you his achievements .
13 The man sitting opposite her looked shifty , but she could see from the set of his jaw that he 'd no intention of telling her his suspicions .
14 Erm that means we have a stall on Tuesday the twenty fourth , Wednesday we 've got our meeting here with the speaker about , were having Mike speaking on Czechoslovakian now and he 'll be telling us his experiences over there and his had a long association with Czechoslovakia and Harlow and Thursday were having a market stall with a jazz band and Norman could probably tell us more about that .
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