Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] to [det] " in BNC.

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1 The hallway and various passages off it were full of visitors helping pyjama-ed relatives in and out of chairs , plumping cushions for them or fetching magazines from a well-stocked rack , or encouraging them to that last little drop of cocoa from what seemed to be a standard issue purple mug .
2 ‘ I want to test one set of certainties by opposing them to another .
3 ‘ It 's not a question of bringing them to more people — Emporio has never been for the poor — but of morals ; with the Nineties there comes a new thinking about how much it 's right to spend on clothes and I certainly go along with that . ’
4 He added : ‘ We can have DSS men drive to deliver claims forms to hippie itinerants contributing nothing to this country .
5 DIGI DUB serve up a welcome listen of techno ragga , electro and dub , blending them to such a degree that they still remain hard to categorise , dealing in each style with equal authority and adeptness throughout and as inventive as anything you 'll find plagiarising these genres .
6 My long-suffering owl chauffeur said to me one day while he was yet again driving me to some venue I was going to give a talk at , ‘ You and that bird are costing me a bloody fortune ! ’
7 Last month we phoned Lydia and were shocked to hear that the Appeal against the convictions of the prisoners had been postponed , condemning them to another nine months in prison — until May 1991 .
8 These three contrasting ways of approaching the same data can be conveniently illustrated by applying them to that contemporary social phenomenon : student unrest .
9 Thus is perpetuated the unanswerable myth whereby all mysteries are explained away by the simple process of ascribing them to some remote and inaccessible ‘ god ’ who created everything .
10 Because social changes which can be fitted into comparatively lengthy processes are yoked together with some structures in a single category , much of the history of conjonctures consists in relating one to another .
11 After satisfying herself to that end , she rose presently to give them a chance to be together , and to allow Bishop Jon to awaken without embarrassment .
12 She was not going to start explaining herself to this arrogant Spaniard .
13 Aymer thus stood in the midst of a ramified genealogical network relating him to many families within the French nobility .
14 Erm we feel rather badly about not returning it to this person who made it for us
15 Ideally , you 'll try to absorb all the information here by applying it to all keys .
16 Equally , the consequences of applying it to any old scrap of paper which any party cared to describe as an ‘ Act of Parliament ’ solely for purpose of denying jurisdiction would be absurd .
17 The fact that the First Directive was formally concerned only with restrictions on foreign exchange transactions did not prevent the court , in Brugnoni v. Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia ( Case 157/85 ) [ 1986 ] E.C.R. 2013 , 2030 , para. 22 , from applying it to any kind of obstacles constituting a ‘ hindrance ’ to the widest liberalisation of those capital movements which the First Directive sought to liberalise in full .
18 He quotes Occam 's razor but never dreams of applying it to most of the controversies he refers to , and , ironically over macroevolution , thinks that some of the recent speculations ‘ must inhibit the penchant for ‘ story-telling ’ and the glib explanation ’ , of the neo-Darwinists .
19 Ross grinned back at her as he leaned forward , helping himself to another slice of chocolate cake .
20 Meaning is not simply in an utterance , irrespective of the participants : to understand it we must take into account the inter-subjectivity of the participants , addressing ourselves to such questions as who controls the meaning and the nature of the reference .
21 In addressing ourselves to this process , we are not speculating .
22 Um so erm I did have some I did have some references on this which erm unfortunately I I put to one side and I 've succeeded in losing so erm I did n't get the chance to put them on the handout but erm I 'm just alerting you to that area of debate and that area of enquiry .
23 In addressing itself to such possibilities , however , A Bend in the River , for all its air of simplicity , is never simple .
24 If anything it is more open to criticism for solely addressing itself to these areas .
25 He was transporting her to another world , and she responded to him with uninhibited abandon .
26 My father has been buying Margaret a designer wardrobe and escorting her to all the best restaurants and clubs and Suzie has taken up surf-boarding .
27 In the following example program segment , AND is used as a bitwise operator to remove the most significant bit of a byte read from a file before writing it to another file .
28 People who are on intimate terms are incapable of expressing themselves to each other , ’ said the thin , melancholy Feiffer .
29 Centuries ago they created torsion powered and counter-weighted devices which are their equivalent of cannons , perfecting them to such a degree that they are in many ways superior to crude gunpowder weapons .
30 The young revolutionary , whom they had been trailing for sixteen hours a day , was proving less useful than Cowley had hoped , not leading them to any of his more dangerous colleagues .
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