Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But opposing them were associates of a group calling itself ‘ Fight for Freedom ’ , who felt that it would be necessary to deal harshly with Germany at the end of the war .
2 Coxing them is Martin Haycock from Wallingford in Oxfordshire .
3 The Council claims that B & Q broke the law by opening it 's shop in Gloucester on Sunday 17th December 1989 .
4 It should be noted that this figure excludes sales to the UK sector of the North Sea which are not classified as exports and reinforces the point made in last year 's survey , that the Mechanical engineering sector in Grampian is having considerable success in widening it 's export markets .
5 Thus we are still using the Darwinian model of evolution by natural selection , but the entities to which we are applying it are populations , or species , and not individuals as in most applications of the idea .
6 Then she squared her shoulders , remembering she was Amossy 's kin .
7 Sipping a Sling does not have the same flavour of nostalgia when you are not sitting in the old hotel with the arches and verandahs imagining you are Somerset Maugham .
8 The really evil looking one was Gordon Goody
9 Cherry Vanilla and I used to take care of our time when we were n't rehearsing by pretending we were rock and roll journalists — which we were n't .
10 And when they arrived Great Britain or Britain as it was called then and the people living there were Britons .
11 Living there were Mrs. Dear , her elder daughter , another daughter with her husband who was a main line engine driver and their three children .
12 ‘ I used to hide under the covers of my bed at night , imagining there were dragons out there ; in the room when the light was out , when there was nobody else there .
13 He bought a quantity believing they were Ecstasy , but when he tried them found that they were another drug altogether .
14 " He 's pretending he 's Miss Lavant 's child . "
15 The French navy stopped a North Korean vessel in the Red Sea near Yemen , believing it 's cargo was intended for Iraq .
16 On my first evening , my body still believing it was morning , I wandered up the maze of cobbled alleyways to the city 's most venerable quarter .
17 Believing it was Travis , she froze round-eyed as she found herself gazing into four faces as surprised as her own .
18 Pretending it 's Friday .
19 You 're pretending it 's Friday are you ?
20 She banged into something solid which she immediately grabbed hold of , imagining it was part of a house .
21 I tore the Danish to bits , imagining it was Lewis 's flesh .
22 ‘ I 'm jus ' worried yer might be wishin' it was Tommy Allen yer married instead o' me , ’ he said quietly .
23 Leading them was Dr. William Nkomo ; and he stayed in the little lodge which was our home .
24 How will we go about deciding which are needs and which are wants ?
25 If you 're not camping there are bed and breakfasts along the route and youth hostels at Linton , Kettlewell , Dentdale , Kendal and Windermere .
26 Of course the bigger clients are getting the message and do keep in touch but with the rest it 's proving hard work teasing out the issues and reassuring there 's value in it for them .
27 And the team Allan Border is leading there are missionaries again of a sort : cricket on the island lives hand-to-mouth , and political upheaval has repelled touring international sides for five years .
28 Yeah it 's on a weekend when everybody comes out here to buy their trees and they 're parking they 're cars on the roundabout
29 The system is clearly paying it 's way .
30 Coun Fishwick said there was not a lot she could do with the proclamation , adding it was county council business anyway .
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