Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [adv prt] of " in BNC.

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1 But since he 's been up here , he 's been eating me out of house and home and he does n't pay for it
2 If Walter Smith is going to continue producing them out of a hat from the reserve team like this , Rangers will remain without peer and the rest will have an even greater excuse for abandoning hope before they start .
3 Linear earthworks were the means of manipulating , channelling and containing vast flows of terrestrial energy , drawing them out of the central plateau area of the chalk uplands and leading them , sometimes for miles , towards places where they were required to boost the existing subtle currents .
4 I have the right to know what she is doing and , if she is having an affair , it has got to stop because it is driving me out of my mind . ’
5 ‘ Dear God , Rory , ’ he murmured , ‘ you 're driving me out of my mind ! ’
6 They pulled me up off the floor with my hands up behind my back and they were walking me out of the chemist with my arms up and my head pushed down and one of them was kicking me in the back of my legs to get me over to the car .
7 Oscars are notorious for their habit of becoming ‘ stuck on one type of food and starving them out of it can be painful for both the fish and the keeper .
8 Peter Davies , Eastbourne 's captain , told his players on the eve of the event that they were stroking the ball well and that they could upset the odds but added he was booking them out of their hotel .
9 still keeping me out of mischief .
10 Still keeping me out of mischief .
11 Charles sought to expel and chastise the Saracens , keeping them out of his southern territories and securing border areas where they might encroach .
12 If the motion was a feint , then indeed we shall by our advancing be less in reach of keeping them out of Derbyshire .
13 ‘ He 's got a bee in his bonnet about keeping them out of remand homes and prison .
14 Pro-marketeers of a social democratic type have been prepared to manage markets : restricting the area of their use ( keeping them out of such things as health care ) ; moderating their tendency to generate inequality , ( by policies of income redistribution ) ; and preserving some of the market 's industrial casualties by nationalizing bankrupt firms and industries .
15 My Department is providing £200,000 this financial year to motor projects dealing with young offenders , thereby keeping them out of custody .
16 You may find it useful to have a user directory for the LIFESPAN Manager ; there will be certain command files etc. which you may wish to build for routine activities , and keeping them out of SYS$LIFESPAN : is helpful , as discussed in Appendix A. Whether you then choose to have this directory or SYS$LIFESPAN : as the LIFESPAN Manager 's default directory is up to you .
17 That means keeping them out of the unpredictable British May weather .
18 He said clients keen to move into Britain have had deals ‘ in the pipeline ’ but were delaying them out of concern about a Labour government 's competition policies or in the hope of further interest rate cuts .
19 It had gathered three or four corpses , and was playing with them , slicing them out of their clothes .
20 Watford full-back Jason Drysdale aims to hit the champions with the final instalment of a miserable treble by knocking them out of the Coca-Cola Cup at Vicarage Road .
21 Er well , there was the highly immoral thing called overtime , erm if you had too much overtime you was keeping someone out of job .
22 Despite personal intervention from Premier John Major to president George Bush , Washington trade chiefs refused to withdraw demands for unlimited access to British airports while keeping theirs out of reach of foreign competition .
23 ‘ That 's the thanks I get for takin' ye out of a bloody hovel and givin' ye a proper place to live .
24 ‘ My dear Miss Nib , ’ he said , hurling himself out of bed and into the bathroom , ‘ take a letter .
25 Are they keeping you out of mischief ?
26 ‘ I apologise for keeping you out of bed . ’
27 But there seemed to be no way of keeping her out of trouble ; her maid , ‘ seeing discomfort on every side ’ , first refused to obey her , and then left her .
28 Rocastle got a page long interview expressing some puzzlement at Wilko keeping him out of the first team .
29 It had ended with Tony manhandling her out of the house .
30 At this moment she felt he had had a hand in cheating her out of some of her life , and the feeling made her coldly angry .
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