Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The prospect of seeing them made him full of joy .
2 ‘ Are you suggesting I asked him to play slow music ? ’ she shot back , outraged .
3 Lord Aldington said : ‘ If you 're suggesting I knew they were behaving badly , then I did .
4 ‘ I was denying I had it . ’
5 When you saw that happening you realised you had to go into other things .
6 So as well as keeping you informed we are trying to encourage in NEW MEMBERS .
7 ‘ When I went to the opticians to see if my eyesight was good enough for driving she said it was beyond all medical explanation , it had to be a miracle , ’ he said .
8 And even when it became clearer — in a purely physical sense — as far as understanding it went she was as far from clarity as ever .
9 Now that it was happening it seemed it had been inevitable from the start .
10 When Tiare 's husband knew he was dying he thanked me and wanted to know if there was anything he could do — a kind of last request .
11 I went for a couple of terms in 1986 and gained a different perspective on drawing which helped me look more deeply at my subject and see light and shade differently .
12 I went for a couple of terms in 1986 and gained a different perspective on drawing which helped me look more deeply at my subject and see light and shade differently .
13 As Alan sat him in his cot and left the room , Christopher began to howl in earnest again , interrupted by spasms of coughing which left him breathless .
14 The ball came over the wire as we passed and the German who was escorting me threw it back .
15 When he was n't looking I poured mine on to the floor .
16 The first time we made love , I started out believing I hated you , but when we … by the end I knew I did n't really , and that I loved you .
17 The common complaint that luxury extends itself even to the lowest ranks of the people , and that the labouring poor will not now be contented with the same food , clothing and lodging which satisfied them in former times , may convince us that it is not the money price of labour only , but its real recompense , which has been augmented .
18 The road was bendy and twisty forming which made it look beautiful .
19 ‘ I did n't until I met you , but loving you made me want to know how twins could be so different .
20 Then she decided to be awkward , like she always is , and said I says oh it 's still taping you know and I s she said summat , I ca n't remember what it were now but I was saying , I knew that 'd happen , one minute yes then no , then I 'll think about it , I says and if I did n't start it when you went out you 'd be saying you could 've done this and that and er so she were chittering , pretending she said I could n't do it .
21 she said that and she said she do n't mind us swearing she said I 'll leave you fourteen , it actually says twenty tapes in the , bits of paper but she said if you could fill twenty I 'd be over the moon did she say ?
22 I derive untold pleasure from looking at buildings , but not just as objects which please the eye , nor just as works of art , as you would look at pictures in a gallery ; I also like imagining who commissioned them , who built them , what sort of person first lingered on their balcony or opened their casement window .
23 I 'd never been very good at big lies , and the thought of living one terrified me , but it was important that not only I , but the baby , should have some self-respect about its origins .
24 Stephen liked even the back-room staff to wear uniform , believing it gave them a more professional look and approach .
25 Bush should have trusted his own misgivings about attending the dinner , confessing he knew it would be ‘ something sorrowful and sad ’ .
26 They also enjoy reviewing experiences so when you 've done a role play , the reflector will actually get a lot out of doing feedback , standing back and analyzing what did I do well , what did I do less well and they actually learn a lot from that as well the role play .
27 If the policeman had approached him from behind , for example , and the defendant had acted without seeing who confronted him , he should have the defence , as Williams and Ansell hold .
28 Realising she meant it , Luke released her at once , his glance straying briefly to the proud lift of her breasts before he stepped back .
29 But the 200 miles separating them meant they did not meet until six months into the romance when Chris , 25 , came to see Heather , 32 , of Aberdeen Road , Darlington .
30 But the people selling them put me off !
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