Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 We begin by reminding ourselves daily that God provides all that we need for our lives .
2 Superman is I do n't know erm , well same difference any way , but you see this is it , he 's not , you know , in that story , in that , in , in , in , in that sort of nonsense thing , he is not the same character at both times , he has n't got , when he 's walking along the street as Clarke Kent he has n't got the ability to whoosh through the air as Superman he 's Clarke Kent , not so Jesus , he was n't Jesus divine one moment , Jesus human the other but they were perfectly married at all time from his , from the time he was , he 's conception took place , so he was n't one thing one moment , you know and one thing the next , but there it was a perfect marriage if you like , the two , I was gon na say becoming one so that they were invisible , you could n't say of that 's it that 's the human nature of Jesus , that 's his diviner it ju , because the two were perfectly married , they were fused together so they really they became one .
3 Rostov rocked back to sit on his heels and the gold on the floor reflected his face , distorting it so that it was not recognisable .
4 The Indonesians wanted to start within a month , but Douglas-Hamilton and Child urged them to consider delaying it so that the army could do a pilot run and the local people could be better informed about what to expect .
5 Edward ignored her protest , somehow contorting himself so that he could kiss her breasts , bare now , since her bra was around her waist , and still keep his hand between her legs beneath the rucked-up skirt .
6 In the cold dawn , with the wind pushing them so that they could hardly face each other , the King and his wife met on the slope above the battered hall .
7 His eyes had been a brand on her flesh , stripping away her clothes , caressing her so that she had felt her heartbeat quickening .
8 She saw other sides of him then , the skilled physician , the considerate colleague , and yet another side , the one gentle with their frightened little patient , reassuring and comforting her so that the procedures became less terrifying and more easily coped with .
9 Wexford took hold of his jacket roughly , pushing him so that his head jerked up .
10 I am training her so that she can cook for royalty , ’ Auguste declared grandly .
11 She had washed and curled her silvery hair and left it long , brushing it so that it hung over one shoulder in a silky-pale swath , a style she never favoured .
12 The vast red sail burst free of its lashings , the wind filling it so that it bowed forward in a great scarlet curve on which was painted in brilliant gold the portrait of the Golden Girl herself , bubble-curled , lips pouting — Marilyn Monroe .
13 They 're all wooing us now that we 're playing local music , wanting to introduce us to their artists , sampling us with their product . ’
14 I received a letter from one of the repetiteurs informing me emphatically that the chorus thought the music was very bad for their voices .
15 And if these stories are to be believed then Jesus was a walker too , liking nothing better that a hearty stroll in the beautiful Mendip Hills in Somerset .
16 Even if it meant disturbing her , waking her so that she cried when put down again , she must be lifted up in Alice 's arms , held close to her and kissed goodbye .
17 The boy carried her out into the snow and pushed her into the ground , turning her so that she faced the tent and the cluster of trees that formed their crude and failing shelter .
18 She made no protest when Travis removed her boots and jumper , nor when he lay down beside her , turning her so that they lay spoon-fashion before zipping them up into the quilted cocoon .
19 She was n't aware of his putting the comb aside , only of strong hands turning her so that she lay across his knees .
20 To achieve this end , the filter is arranged to operate entirely in its pass band by designing it so that its critical frequency is well above the highest frequency present in the Fourier frequency spectrum of the signal being handled .
21 He took up a sleeping-bag , unzipping it so that she had something dry to sit on .
22 The accented B♭s that occur as pick-up notes for each phrase in bars 2–5 should be played by hooking your r/h thumb under the G string and releasing it so that the string slaps against the fingerboard .
23 The female releases them by reaching forward with her hind leg , inserting her longest toe into the sac entrance and pulling it so that it enlarges and her young are able to clamber out .
24 The adviser spelt out the details of the scheme , saying that the self-appraisal consisted of providing factual information , looking at what they were doing and describing it so that advisers could understand what they are trying to do .
25 He pushed the list over the desk , turning it so that Hayman could read it .
26 D'Arcy contemplated the glass in his hand , turning it so that the light caught the cut crystal edges .
27 I caught it with the catapult , the thick black tubing of the rubber twisting once in the air as I scissored my hands and fell back , letting the buck go over my head and then kicking with my legs and turning myself so that I was level with it where it lay , kicking and struggling with the power of a wolverine , spreadeagled on the sand slope with its neck caught in the black rubber .
28 How do I begin describing myself so that anyone could understand where my politics were coming from ?
29 Place the horses inside the stable holes , securing them with royal icing and positioning them so that their heads peep out over the doors .
30 He had reached over and was gripping her shoulder with his left hand , holding her so that her face was close to his .
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