Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [noun sg] give " in BNC.

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1 Waiting impatiently until their hostess had disappeared from sight , Laura was just opening her mouth to give vent to her intense anger , when she was frustrated yet again by the arrival of Ben , carrying their suitcases .
2 Sources in Hong Kong say the British Government is finalising its package giving key Hong Kong people the right of settlement in Britain as a form of insurance in anticipation of the consequences of the Chinese takeover in 1997 .
3 Reg Marshall said : ‘ They are wasting their money giving us a wooden hut .
4 But on this occasion he 's donning his visor to give an art demonstration .
5 And instead of rebelling her stomach gave an appreciative little rumble .
6 The French government gave no explanation for withdrawing its offer to give the Bosnians a plane , the spokesman said , adding that finally a prominent French businessman gave the refugees his private plane to use .
7 Also , the factors identified above as relevant to deciding the effect of alternative remedies may be relevant to deciding what effect to give to a statutory ouster clause which is open to more than one interpretation .
8 Pooley cursed himself for letting his vanity give him away .
9 Does he withdraw his front foot , indicating his preference to give ground ?
10 She knew an instant 's anger at her own lack of foresight — she should have known Adam 's inquisitor would n't be alone — then all the training she 'd undergone in self-defence took over and she jabbed both elbows savagely backward , hearing her attacker give a pained grunt as his grip on her loosened .
11 Then Dotty Blundell , who a moment before had drooped under the weight of her leopard-skin coat , flung back her shoulders and lowering her chin gave a peek-a-boo smile .
12 On this latter point , Lord Belstead ( Minister of State , MAFF ) in evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee , stated that ADAS is broadening its ability to give environmental/conservation advice in conjunction with NCC .
13 They set about reinforcing and extending their property to give it much the appearance it has today , apart from some modern restoration .
14 Gimmer Crag lurks , awaiting its chance to give Hebbert a flying lesson .
15 That is why — ’ raising her head to give him a grateful look ‘ — I had none to spare for a meal at this place . ’
16 For his part Ivashko promised following his election to give up the Ukrainian CP leadership , and at a party congress on June 22-23 he was replaced as first secretary by his former deputy , Stanislav Gurenko .
17 ‘ That 's very generous of you , ’ he told her , raising his head to give her another slow kiss .
18 Planning our future gives us a greater sense of internal control and increases self-esteem .
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