Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] it at " in BNC.

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1 He looks and the bear 's hanging off it at the side , grrr ! on the window and the man goes aargh ! and the man runs off and he gets on he gets on an aeroplane the aeroplane and he 's safe .
2 Zach told her his age , which was nine , and spelt out his name , apologizing for it at the same time .
3 You 're not above mentioning your height , even bragging about it at times , saying you 're as good as any two men twice your size .
4 ‘ His neighbour is looking after it at the moment but I do n't think she 'll be prepared to keep it indefinitely .
5 And anyway — ’ Clare sat again , holding the book still before her face but looking over it at Caro ’ — It 's all very well is n't it , being the gracious model of womanhood , with a tribe of servants around you .
6 We were looking across it at a slice-shaped building , calcined with pollution .
7 She had her back to the entrance of the garden and was looking across it at a small orchard whose fruit never found its way to the rector 's table , always being pilfered by the small street arabs of the district .
8 But that 's because we 're looking at it at close quarters .
9 The point is that many an insect was saved by an exceedingly slight resemblance to a twig or a leaf or a fall of dung , on occasions when it was far away from a predator , or on occasions when the predator was looking at it at dusk , or looking at it through a fog , or looking at it while distracted by a receptive female .
10 I 've got your red book here cos I was looking at it at the weekend .
11 Well , we 're all looking at it at the moment of , of course , but some of our first impressions are that for example on global warming , there 's no commitment to , to a carbon taxation .
12 The two Roman catholic priests , who were in all respects dedicated pastors and much liked by many in the local community , immediately opposed the idea , preaching against it at Sunday masses in the local convent and the school hall .
13 And I think what the Council 's got to do and I think what the what the what the theatre perhaps has to do is only make that leisure card more easily acceptable and available and also look upon the reductions that we give but that perhaps is a way of actually rewarding the people in Harlow to use the theatre and the contribution in actually paying for it at the expense of the people coming in from outside who perhaps do n't pay anything towards the expense of the theatre .
14 This time next week we 'll be going for it at Donington . ’
15 Going through it at lunchtime we wondered if that really is what was meant , it 's terribly important one way or the other .
16 I 've got plants growing in it at the moment .
17 The grass waved in the morning breeze , the yellow frames of landing lights rising from it at intervals like isolated rigs in a weed-choked sea .
18 She 's only limping on it at certain times cos she came rushing into my bedroom last night and you were n't limping then !
19 ‘ Miss Kyte , ’ repeated the old lady , raising her eyeglass and staring through it at his face .
20 Was he running for it at last ?
21 Coming for it at three .
22 It 's just that he 's coming for it at three so if I get my camera I want it before three .
23 Also more particularly because this particular bit of work has had such thorough examination by the presbyteries that it does n't seem to er justify further tinkering with it at this stage .
24 The track was like a tin roof , with corrugations running across it at right angles six inches deep .
25 To and fro , weaving , sometimes tied back to the point , moving from point to point , guided by Jennifer , each woman deeply involved with the dual effort of formulating an opinion and arguing for it at the same time .
26 By the beginning of February 1989 he had enough to convince him that it was real , and he agreed to go public by talking about it at the American Physical Society meeting in Baltimore the following May .
27 ‘ I heard them talking about it at home .
28 we were talking about it at lunch time , you know , its one of those things that you just do n't think about , you know ,
29 While Alex Higgins reckons snooker can seriously damage your health , Davis is positively thriving on it at the moment .
30 You 're talking to it at this very moment , you 're talking it out , you 're talking it down , and you want my help .
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