Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] they [be] " in BNC.

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1 The dilemma is that if they are enlarged the danger of stepping through them is increased .
2 That is a mandatory duty imposed upon the justices and one that the law does not permit them to relinquish , albeit the parties appearing before them are in agreement as to the order that shall be made .
3 Even if we are assured that the creatures in question are not in any pain , some people will prolong the argument either by insisting that they must be in some sort of distress , or by claiming that even if they are not overtly suffering , what is happening to them is cruel and unwarranted exploitation .
4 It has to succeed , not in fair competition , but in the face of ignorance and misunderstanding : ignorance , because whereas professional knowledge and informed advice on the incorporation and conduct of conventionally organised companies are generally available , whereas education and training relating to them are commonplace , this is not true for co-operatives ; misunderstanding , because the industrial co-operative sector is still often regarded as characterised by the three well-known rescue cases … and hence as supposing itself to be exempted from test by commercial criteria and the rigours of the market economy .
5 Chairman Howard Wilkinson said : ‘ There is a strong feeling among managers and players that rules applying to them are not being applied to other people , namely supporters around the dug-outs .
6 Looking for them was in effect looking for Adam Boteler , who alone had been marked and recognised ; and Adam had orders to remain out of sight in Castell Coch until the second attempt was ready to be launched .
7 so you 're looking for them be eighty fives
8 Looking after them is a nice little earner for Nepal , the preferred base .
9 As computers become increasingly available to non-typists more natural means of communicating with them are sought .
10 But living with them is n't one of them .
11 I wonder if I could have belonged to revolutionary movements , even if they were as just as — I find the panthers ' movement and the Palestinians ' movement to be very just — but this belonging , this sympathizing with them is at the same time dictated by the erotic charge which the Arab world in its totality or the black American world represents to me , to my sexuality .
12 Seen in the group , with part of the massive plant towering above them are .
13 point to point may be amateur but there 's a few pounds to be won by following the form … the bookies are here of course … lets face it a race meeting without them is like a bottle of champagne with no bubbles …
14 according to they 're they 're they 're according to I should say they 've adjusted it that it 's g it 's not gon na go Aberdeen it 's gon na go Aberdeen or even Aberdeen direct so which is pretty
15 They claimed that they were being treated like Gypsies or Albanians , which according to them was unacceptable .
16 The ones who were looking at them were looking silently and glancing at their catalogues , and the rest were talking about other matters — mostly about where they had last met .
17 He knew very well the dangers of any allusions to any of these articles , but the mere unavoidable act of looking at them was more than enough for his hostess .
18 The glare dimmed and outlines of roofs and trees and angles at street junctions , lampposts , signs , doorways , scaffolding and cranes — too molten to look up at at two in the afternoon — calmed into focus , became distinct against the astounding pure clarity of the sky , and later became so sharp and clear that looking at them was like a note you could not hear but only sense within the ear by some change in vibration .
19 Although the range of benefits to which the elderly and those caring for them are entitled is still inadequate to meet every need , it is wider than some realise .
20 I would say there was more going on , going for them is n't there than
21 The identity booklet ( or key card ) together with any messages or letters that may be waiting for them are handed to the guest .
22 Drawn up waiting for them were their friends : the men landed early that morning by their companion ships at the mouth of the Leven .
23 But I mean when I went going towards they were screening it you know , seeing it .
24 But where Cluster Analysis can show the existence of sufficiently large groupings of respondents , or product/benefit requirements which have similar attribute sets , then these may be used as MARKETING TARGETS , if the benefits of selling into them are likely to exceed the cost .
25 When the skulls in the crypt of St Bride 's Church were disinterred the wisps of hair remaining on them were found to have turned bright orange .
26 tt and Thursday they 're going to the luxury end , they 're going to they 're going to see Paul and John
27 I did ask whether the Association of Chief Police Officers have been told that they are going to they are likely to have to take over many of the responsibilities of the British Transport Police as from the first of April .
28 When these details arrived in Rome the task of going over them was assigned to a senior lawyer or papal auditor , Benedict cardinal priest of St Susanna .
29 In Hailey Wood large mounds of earth with beech growing on them are spoil-heaps where shafts were driven in the course of building to provide air vents .
30 For the festa , the church , churchyard and the street leading to them are all gaily decorated with flags — some are coloured striped flags and others are white with red crosses like those used on the sails of Henry the Navigator 's ships .
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