Example sentences of "[num] another [conj] their " in BNC.

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1 She , Esther and Alix had known one another since their Cambridge days , and often met , but an evening with them necessarily excluded Charles : Esther and Alix did not much care for the world that Charles represented , and his presence inhibited all three of them .
2 Every year , more Europeans learn a little more about one another than their ancestors ever knew .
3 Although his two sons had hated each other , they would not have dared move openly against one another while their powerful father was still alive .
4 Most assemblies are , however , ‘ consociations ’ resulting from behaviours in which animals respond to each other 's presence in ways that establish their spacing in relation to one another and their occurrence in groups of certain age and sex composition .
5 But the three sources complemented one another and their sum was greater than their parts .
6 Ironically , the autarkic model foisted by Stalin on his charges in the 1940s to maintain their isolation from one another and their dependency upon him had , by the 1960s , become something of a rallying point for regimes who in no other sphere enjoyed any tangible measure of independence .
7 Four years later the Order of the Garter was formally instituted as a fellowship of twenty-six knights bound together by oath as companions to help one another and their king .
8 The heads of the two cocks banged at one another and their legs churned the air .
9 If students are not compared against one another and their achievement is measured against fixed performance criteria , how can a system of prizes be justifiable ?
10 Within these cultures workers are assessing one another and their capacity to reach informally agreed levels of production .
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