Example sentences of "[num] day [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The hostages , who were held for 444 days following the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran in September 1979 , were released within minutes of Reagan being sworn in as President on Jan. 21 , 1981 .
2 Twenty-one days later the Prince arrived to see what was going on .
3 Where the Regulations apply , they give a cooling-off period entitling the customer to cancel the agreement at any time ‘ within the period of 7 days following the making of the contract . ’
4 Six days later the TUC Congress finally called weakly for ‘ practical aid ’ to the strikers but refused to commit itself to cutting off supplies .
5 Six days later the treaty was ratified and the concession agreement came into force to last until July 28 2042 when the Tunnel reverts to the governments .
6 100 days following the ex dividend date ?
7 10 days following the ex dividend date ?
8 Eleven days later the other Gruppo of the 43° Stormo B.T. , the 31° under Ten.Col .
9 Eight days later the DTI investigation was announced .
10 Eight days later the first Duke of Wellington was calling on her with reports of a coming clash : the king 's desired divorce from Queen Caroline .
11 Only three days ago the American ambassador to Lebanon — who had evacuated his embassy , situated in Gen Aoun 's enclave , last September — paid a one-day visit from Washington to the Syrian-controlled north Lebanon to present his credentials to the new president .
12 Only three days ago the American ambassador to Lebanon — who had evacuated his embassy , situated in Gen Aoun 's enclave , last September — paid a one-day visit from Washington to the Syrian-controlled north Lebanon to present his credentials to the new president .
13 Simon had neither family nor friends and three days ago the parish council had begged Athelstan and Benedicta to visit the unfortunate .
14 Three days later a new formation arrived , 5 Indian Division .
15 Three days later a wind came up and revived the fire which spread to and damaged the plaintiff 's land .
16 Three days later the stock market crashed .
17 Three days later the matron had to take care of Clive Fairbrother , who lost half of one of his front teeth in what he claimed was a game of dormitory rugby after lights-out with Murray .
18 Three days later the ceiling came down .
19 It hardly seems likely that the Government was jolted into action by the Northamptonshire Society 's letter , but nevertheless three days later the House of Commons ordered that a Select Committee ‘ be appointed to consider and report upon the Re-construction of the Foreign Office in relation to the future Rebuilding of other Offices on a uniform Plan , due regard being had to Public Convenience and Economy ’ .
20 Three days later the Standard announced that Oscar Kambona would be making a statement in London .
21 Three days later the Largemouth pair spawned , over a flat slate at the back corner .
22 It has now to be adopted by the Council of Ministers to bring automatically into force three days later the Regulation of the Export of Cultural Goods to outside the European Community .
23 Indeed , three days later the Fox clones began to emerge .
24 The Israeli Cabinet approves Shamir 's " peace plan " ; three days later the plan is approved by the Knesset , but the PLO rejects it in its present form .
25 Three days later the UN Security Council approved a resolution , without a vote , which recommended membership for both states .
26 Three days later the ICJ announced that on March 26 it would open hearings on Libya 's application concerning the interpretation by the USA and the UK of the 1971 Montreal Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation .
27 Three days later the same subjects again fasted and then are a standard meal of rice cake made of 1000 g rice flour , one egg , butter ( 7 g ) , and baking powder ( 5 g ) .
28 Part of the M1 was closed for the second time in three days following a multiple pile-up in sub-zero temperatures .
29 Sheila alleged that she was dazed for three days following the attack , suffering a black eye and a cut on her forehead .
30 However , three days earlier an RUC reserve constable had been murdered by the IRA using an under-vehicle booby trap .
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