Example sentences of "[num] and [ex0] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 These rather gloomy thoughts were in our minds as we arrived , a bit soothed but still edgy , to find that the last ferry over the Rhone from Salin which would take us on to the road to Martigues had left at 11.30 and there would not be another until 2 o'clock .
2 The day had been specially chosen because the meteorologists had assured them that the sun would rise at five fifty-three and there would be no rain .
3 A single customs tariff ( set as a pre-condition by the European Communities for reaching a commercial accord with the GCC ) would come into effect by 1993 and there would eventually be monetary unification .
4 ‘ Paris is below its historic high , there are no further elections until 1993 and there will be increased liquidity from the new Plans d'Epargne .
5 So , for instance , the promoter of a Bill may state that Clause 1 is not intended to cover X because X is covered by Clause 2 , and the Clause 3 is intended to implement a Community obligation ; yet , as a matter of law , X may not be covered by Clause 2 and there may be no obligation in Community law .
6 Cecil 's first winner for Lord Howard de Walden was Beninta in 1971 and there must be now genuine hopes that Pursuit of Love can succeed where the owner 's Kris failed narrowly behind Tap On Wood in 1979 Guineas .
7 Reagan remained a major trade union leader in the film industry until 1960 and there can be no doubt that during this phase of his career he gained much experience relevant to his later career in politics .
8 Home Rule and Welsh Disestablishment would become law in the autumn of 1914 and there could now be no election to stop this from taking place .
9 The proportion of oil will decrease significantly however due to an increase in coal usage to make coal the country 's main fuel by the year 2000 and there will be a huge increase in gas consumption .
10 The full range of modern apprenticeships will be offered to sixteen and seventeen year olds in September nineteen ninety five and there will be some prototypes
11 Former Top 40 presenter Tony Blackburn said : ‘ In the old days I think it meant something to be the Christmas No. 1 and there would be great excitement in the run-up to the last chart .
12 Now if you did recognize the voice or you think you can help the police then there 's a free phone number to contact it 's O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine it 's O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine that 's a free phone number so it wo n't cost you anything to call O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine it 's the number to call if you did recognize the voice there or you think you can help the police in any way O eight hundred six to six nine nine nine and there 'll be more on that in our next main news which is on the way at one o'clock .
13 If a pedal car has two seats , there is room for two and there can also be discussion about front and back .
14 I I if it can be done in the greenbelt policy it must be done in E two and there can be no argument that it is not too detailed a matter in greenbelt policy but too detailed a matter in E two .
15 This year er , there 's been a negative benefit in the first half of two million and there 'll be a positive benefit in the second half of two million .
16 Arguments against this include : ‘ MIT want to keep power away from Princeton ’ , and ‘ putting — it elsewhere costs another 250 million and there will be protests anyway ’ .
17 Many structure plans are being ‘ rolled forward ’ to end in 1996 and there could well be draft policies and proposals in the roll-forward documents .
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