Example sentences of "[num] and [adv] we " in BNC.

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1 So far , we 've actually managed to characterise about 1600 of that 50,000 and so we 've got a very long way to go .
2 Now what I 'm proposing to do is to issue a revised programme in respect of the afternoon session this afternoon , which will take in some of the business that er has has already fell off which would be at the end of the private session this afternoon so we 'll try and get in er rule twenty Regions in their Manage and their Management which will take in three motions , thirty six , thirty seven and forty and then we 'll turn , hopefully , to the Social Security Payments Resolutions , you 'll remember that they fell off , composite two eight three , motions three seven nine , three eight five and three eight six .
3 They tried to give us to our ancient enemies in 1912 , 1974 , 1985 and now we 've had the ‘ Brooke initiative ’ which was another attempt by Westminster to be rid of us .
4 In the example of ICI the ratio was 9.8 and so we may assume that investors were willing to pay 9.8p for 1p of earnings .
5 So if I give you fifty six and then we 'll see .
6 Anyway , forty six and then we had no house , at all , because my mother had died and my father , we said to my father you leave if you want to we should be alright we 'll find somewhere to go and we did n't and we had to have a Nissan hut for about a year , supplied by the Council
7 Oh Sunday it was really bad cos he had these people turn up for lunch and erm , said it 's Sam arranged to come and collect him quarter to six and then we went up to Fore Gate for lunch and then we came back here and had erm we were all standing in the kitchen here , knock on the door , a walked in , I 'd completely forgotten about it
8 And erm the girls they have gotten four hundred and twenty four cans and the boys have gotten two hundred and sixty eight and altogether we 're collecting nine hundred and ninety five cans with the whole school .
9 And what we 've got N here we 've selected as three and so we 've broken it up into three tuples because another rule in the method even though it can be broken is that each pixel can only go into one tuple .
10 We changed to meet the demands of the '70s and '80s and now we are into the '90s with many more changes to come ; I am confident that there is a very bright future for our Company which is blessed with a lot of very good professional people who we must be careful not to undervalue .
11 We discussed Maslow 's theory in Chapter 5 and so we do not need to reproduce his basic arguments .
12 ‘ The visitors ’ centre here opened about 18 months ago although the reserve has been open since 1977 and slowly we 're building it up .
13 Make a half we 'd make a half out of the six twelfths and then we 'd have three left over make a quarter so it 'd be a half add a quarter that 's what nine twelfths would come to .
14 There was no sort of law against erm employing people without a certain amount of rest and erm that was employed , er that was occupied that office from first thing in the morning when the bus went out from five o'clock and erm he would , the depot clerk would go off round about dinner time , there 'd be his relief who came on at nine o'clock and worked with him until dinner time and he 'd carry on till five and then we had , what was called , the cashiers come on duty then , there was a cashier and erm a hand .
15 That makes , that makes three sixty over three times five and then we can cancel .
16 Not too bad we we got well we had been together near enough since we left school but you know we decided to have a go at it seriously in in seventy five and then we recorded an album and a single in say seventy seven , seventy eight .
17 It was 1973 and already we were preparing for the move to the States .
18 But anyway he saw this one stall and he had a look and they had three racks of them for ten ninety nine and then we found some others then , they were they were ten ninety nine but they were as thick as these other ones .
19 And carry one and then we 've got two and one is three and the one you carried makes four .
20 And we 'd be pouting away and arriving about five minutes past one and then we 'd be in for trouble then .
21 Now what 's going to happen along the right hand axis we go up to twenty and so we can go along there in twos and it 'll just fit on .
22 What do we do , you must take away everything that 's in the brackets , so we take away a twenty , so that 's the same as a minus twenty and then we 'll take away a minus one , signs are the same so it 's add one .
23 And before you , you have that update what I am trying to do is to list all of the recommendations we obtained in respect of the report and they are actually three - one , to three - twenty and then we put paragraph two on each of those recommendations to bring you up to date on what the service is doing .
24 Well we counted twenty and then we were laughing so much we thought oh we 'd better stop her you know twenty sort of goes from one side to the side when she 's lying on her stomach .
25 The Reverend J. G. MacNeill published his " New Guide to Islay " in 1900 and here we have a book about Islay only , written by an Ileach .
26 The Reverend J. G. MacNeill published his " New Guide to Islay " in 1900 and here we have a book about Islay only , written by an Ileach .
27 Why do n't you have two and I 'll have two and then we 'll be six ? ’
28 The Sister Constance , who was the then the principal sister there she let us have the field so we got entertainment laid on we invited a celebrity , I think our first celebrity was erm I think it was Lord and Lady and then each time we had a different one , we had entertainment the whole time we started , about half past two and then we had entertainment until six then we had an interval then we had entertainment till twelve o'clock I even took my piano down onto the field so that we could have music .
29 going to the Duncan till about eleven thirty and then we 're going to Carrie 's .
30 Wait until you 're eighteen and then we 'll see .
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