Example sentences of "[num] be for [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 11 were for people with learning difficulty or mental handicap , and 4 were for elderly people with a mental impairment , 3 for elderly people who were physically frail , I for children and 1 for physically handicapped adults .
2 I bought these Levi 501 's for £25 back home they would have cost me double that . ’
3 Club 96 is for people who are united by their love of cars and they can all get together and have a chance to race on a real circuit .
4 The External Financing Limit ( EFL ) proposed for 1983–84 was for £1,130 million , easily the largest for any of the nationalised industries .
5 The request to Christian Aid for core funding for SCAWD for 1991–92 is for £8,335.00 ( the same sum as last year ) .
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