Example sentences of "[num] of [adj] [be] " in BNC.

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1 One-half of this was to be sold by auction , and the profits above the official price of $ 42.2 an ounce were then to be used to promote aid to the less developed countries , whereas the other half was to be sold back to members at the prevailing official price .
2 We found that of the 465 graphs of key financial variables , there were 142 instances ( 30% ) of measurement distortion greater than 5%. 129 of these were distortions of a rising trend , with 98 exaggerations and 31 understatements .
3 In its wake , tens of thousands are slipping off , quietly once more , to sanctuaries abroad .
4 The Bitter Cry was a vitriolic , moving and widely publicized polemic against the ‘ pestilential human rookeries … where tens of thousands are crowded together amidst horrors which call to mind what we have heard of the middle passage of the slave-ship ’ .
5 The Yugoslav Consul General in Timisoara , Mr Mirko Atamnarkovic , was quoted by the Yugoslav news agency Tanjug as saying tens of thousands were demonstrating in the town .
6 Tens of thousands were reported back on the streets in Timisoara yesterday , defying a state of emergency , a curfew , and a ban on assembly of more than five persons imposed on the region .
7 Between 1972 and 1984 tens of thousands were tested for susceptibility to TMP , mainly from urinary tract infections ( UTIs ) .
8 Tens of thousands were killed or ‘ disappeared ’ ; thousands of others were displaced or forced into exile as successive military governments sought to eliminate any potential source of political sympathy or logistical support for the armed opposition .
9 Tens of thousands were slain , drowned by waves , buried by earthquakes , struck by magical lightning .
10 Demonstrations by tens of thousands were held in numerous other towns .
11 For their second book , they interviewed 700 mothers of four-year-old children , but only 275 of these were from the original sample ( Newson and Newson 1968 ) .
12 In the 6.5 year study period 123 children had Cryptosporidium identified in the stool and the notes of 109 of these were found and reviewed .
13 We have 15,000 employees and 7,000 of these are in membership services , with 5,500 in insurance .
14 Thirty eight of these were excluded from this study .
15 Only nine oesophageal perforations occurred during a total of 1373 dilatation treatments ( procedure related incidence 0.58% ) , and eight of these were in the corrosive stricture group .
16 Only nine perforations occurred during a total of 1373 dilatation sessions ( procedure related incidence of perforation 0.58% ) in the whole group ; eight of these were in the corrosive group ( total number of dilatation sessions 990 , procedure related incidence of perforation 0.8% ) .
17 Er there 's an ei total flow of eight thousand two hundred , now six thousand one hundred and fifty of that is local traffic , two thousand and fifty is passing through .
18 Five hundred and fifty of these were doctorate theses on Scottish geology , almost one-sixth of all UK theses on geology .
19 Two-thirds of this was raised through excises , which had been the most common method in the late Tsarist period .
20 Two-thirds of this was to come from EC funds and the remainder from member countries .
21 In the country generally , two-thirds of those are in the C2 , DE categories , which by any socio-economic definition will be the less prosperous end of the market and less able to cope with rises of 17.5 per cent eventually in the cost of a basic part of the household budget .
22 If we correlate population categories ( 1–20 million , 20–50 million , 50–100 million , and 100 million plus ) with World Bank GNP per capita categories ( roughly lower- , middle- , and higher-income countries ) we find that two-thirds of countries are relatively small ( up to about 20 million in population ) and two-thirds of these are quite poor ( GNP per capita of less than $1,570 ) , while almost half the relatively rich countries ( GNP per capita of more than $8,000 ) , have relatively large populations ( over 50 million ) .
23 Two-thirds of these were described as faddy while the rest were considered not to eat enough ( Butler and Golding 1986 ) .
24 One recent study of teenage mothers showed that two-thirds of these were already sexually experienced by the age of sixteen .
25 Until the recent amnesty it housed just under 3,000 inmates at 80 per cent capacity ; some 2,000 of these were former members of the National Guard .
26 In France during the most critical years of the Spanish Succession war in 1704–8 and 1712 , one in six of the male population was serving in the army or the militia ; and in the period 1700–63 about two million men were enrolled for military service there ( though some 300,000 of these were foreigners ) .
27 At present , 3.2 million children die every year from diarrhoeal diseases , a further two million from malaria , while hundreds of millions are infested with intestinal parasites .
28 But with India there could be no ‘ consolidation ’ ; its hundreds of millions were , necessarily , left out of the cosy computations of the Imperialists ; and its membership of a community of independent yet united states was beyond the power of imagination to conceive .
29 He and some other survivors of the hospital staff got straw mats and went outdoors — thousands of patients and hundreds of dead were on the driveway and in the yard — and hurried around behind the hospital and lay down in hiding to snatch some sleep .
30 A further group of works and not even the relevant authorities know how many , except that it runs into hundreds of thousands are ‘ notified ’ ; that is , they may not even be lent , restored or sold within Italy , let alone exported , without the permission of the authorities .
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