Example sentences of "[num] of [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is less than £30,000 , compared with the tens or hundreds of millions that are spent on promoting tobacco .
2 According to Friends of the Earth , at least six of those that won should have been disqualified through failing to meet the EC 's virus standards .
3 In the remainder of this chapter we deal with five of those that have been put forward by those who give general assent to his radical perspective .
4 Mr Mitchell 's own state of Maine is one of 18 that impose unlimited liability .
5 The second investigation was just one of hundreds that were done in the sixties .
6 The operation is one of hundreds that have been carried out in the last few years by keyhole surgery .
7 Wordsworth 's next work , The Borderers , appears at first to be a pseudo-Shakespearean tragedy , one of many that the Romantic poets produced .
8 The club is one of many that has been made unplayable by the winter weather
9 He was standing in front of a narrow window , one of two that faced the yard .
10 I think I 'd have to actually , should have perhaps warned you about this , but er , er , in point of fact , not too many people got this , I think there was one of two that got this wrong .
11 The film for which Nicholson was chosen as the lead was typical of the late-Fifties genre , called Cry Baby Killer , one of dozens that sloped in on the back of Rebel Without a Cause , exploiting the cause and increasing the violence .
12 Collins , which is publishing Mrs Thatcher 's memoirs , is one of those that expect a glut in the market .
13 The creation of the Educational Priority Areas was one of the last things which Tony Crosland accomplished at the Department of Education and Science , and one of those that gave him the greatest pleasure .
14 Bobbin-making was originally a coppice industry — one of those that depended on a small plantation of selected trees for commercial use — in this case birch .
15 I never forgot his face , and sure enough a few nights later his aircraft was one of those that failed to return .
16 The word ‘ nut ’ is one of those that means one thing to the person cracking them and quite another to the botanist .
17 The existence or otherwise of alternate universes is one of the great unsolved mysteries of science — and one of those that , almost by definition , may never be solved .
18 Marie Burch , who back in the old days jumped ship from the forerunner of Unix System Laboratories Inc to join the then-enemy Open Software Foundation as director , business area management , was one of those that lost their jobs in the Foundation 's recent reshuffle .
19 Instead , Fleury looked to his armament , which was impressive ; it included a sabre , unbearably sharp , a couple of wavy-bladed daggers from Malaya , and another , Indian , dagger like one of those that Hari had shown him , with two blades and a handle for the whole fist , like that of a hand-saw .
20 An exception might be if your local paper is one of those that sometimes use colour on their pages .
21 Erm ironically I was one of those that went from Essex to Manchester and I did live up there for a couple of years but er decided to come back .
22 If it starts with a C sound we 'll try a C if it 's not one of those that I 've remembered starting with a K then it 's probably a C.
23 The rowing boat near the weir — only this time they had gone too far and Uncle Albert was not strong enough to row them back to safety ; the study at Uncle Albert 's house looking warm and friendly and inviting ; the professor beetle shouting rude instructions at some little beetles that had got into difficulty ; again a glimpse of her uncle 's study ; then a turnstile — one of those that only turn one way , so once you have passed through it you ca n't get back ; playful light beams now shrieking with fear as they hurtle past the window to their destruction ; walking up the down-escalator and not being able to get anywhere ; yet another brief snatch of the study …
24 You know , I 'm very friendly with one of those that are , but er , we lost one this last year , I was really friendly with him .
25 Oh the by-pass road , you know the north northern part of Ipswich , along the by-pass and of course had ordered trolley buses , because you had to order 'em about two years ahead of time , erm , to take care of that but it did n't materialize and we had a surplus of buses and some of them were sold off , I think some went to Walsall , some to Wolverhampton and er I , I think it was one of those that was sold to Wals Woolwich , figured in the national newspapers that had toppled over .
26 The hon. Gentleman 's own authority in Inverness will be one of those that will benefit .
27 It is not usually difficult , but the Prime Minister is certainly not one of those that I loathe .
28 Are you one of those that upsets the people , are you cleverer than most broadcasters , that really
29 He did so in a speech in the Norman town of Bayeux — a symbolic location because this town had been one of those that he had visited in his first trip to liberated territory in June 1944 .
30 th the problems that that is causing erm I 'm obviously I , I , you know very well I can talk for hours on , on many subjects and this is one of those that I can do so .
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