Example sentences of "[num] people [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Initial claims by refugees fleeing the area that 1,000 people had been massacred were later denied by the local authorities , who said that 49 people had died .
2 TWO BRITONS were among 113 people feared killed yesterday when an Airbus jet caught in a monsoon smashed into a hillside and exploded .
3 Over 19,000 people have worked for Delta for more than 10 years and over 11,300 people have been with us for over 20 years .
4 The Guardian of May 13 reported that the country 's health directorate had confirmed that 951 people had died from diarrhoea in the previous two weeks , mostly in cyclone-affected areas .
5 Gene Louw , the Minister of Home Affairs , announced on March 1 , 1990 , that 10,412 people had migrated to South Africa in 1989 , whereas only 4,465 had emigrated .
6 The Guardian of Aug. 23 reported that at least 43 people had died in Sind in the previous 12 days as a result of armed attacks by gunmen .
7 Among 43 people reported killed during an LTTE ambush in the eastern district of Amparai on Nov. 3 were 23 servicemen .
8 This means that these 43 people have lost any right to apply for an exit visa , whereas normally Jews waiting to leave keep on applying hoping that eventually the visa will be granted .
9 The government had launched an offensive on April 17 , and estimated that at least 330 people had died between then and May 19 , after which there was a noticeable intensification in the fighting .
10 Most of the 22 people have moved from Newchurch Hospital , Warrington .
11 He claimed that 85,000 people had used the range over a two-year period and that outdoor sport was acceptable on green belt land .
12 Is the Prime Minister aware that in the 15 months since he got his job 840,000 people have lost their jobs ?
13 Some reports said that up to 50,000 people had taken part in the demonstrations .
14 Yet in the past decade more than 50,000 people have died in the fighting between the security forces , separatist Tamil guerrillas and a now-faded nationalist revolt ; and prominent politicians and soldiers are murdered with monotonous regularity .
15 Government reports estimate that 125,432 people have died , but one daily newspaper puts the loss at over 505,500 , ’ wrote the council 's general secretary , Rev Subodh Adhikary .
16 By the 1980s 300 people had died from eating the poisoned fish , and at least 1500 more were disabled .
17 On Aug. 12 , however , the chairman of the League for the Defence of Human Rights said that more than 300 people had died and over 8,000 had been arrested during the recent disturbances . )
18 On Oct. 19 the government denied reports that up to 300 people had died from starvation following floods in northern Bangladesh .
19 More than 300 people have fallen from trains in the past 20 years .
20 Nearly 300 people have tried it out over the past four years and ‘ the success rate is significantly higher than with any other start-your-own-business scheme , ’ said Barfield 's joint MD Cliff Maxen .
21 Already more than 300 people have added their names backing the assertion that the bus is crucial for those living in the Albert Hill area .
22 Altogether over 800 people had stood trial , of whom nine , including three civilians , received prison sentences .
23 Some 800 people had died since August in this violence , involving clashes particularly in workers ' hostels between mainly Xhosa-speaking pro-ANC workers and the almost exclusively Zulu-based Inkatha movement ( now the Inkatha Freedom Party ) led by Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi .
24 On Sept. 24 , Yeltsin and the Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev achieved a ceasefire agreement between the republics of Azerbaidjan and Armenia over Nagorny Karabakh , where an estimated 800 people had died in inter-ethnic conflict since 1988 .
25 Directors chipped in with their ideas of picking a team , and niggled when , umpteen people having poked their noses and opinions in , a team emerged and inevitably differed from their several choices . ’
26 Organizers of the demonstration — the National Campaign for Peace in the Middle East — claimed that at least 250,000 people had participated in the protest .
27 Come on , man , 250,000 people got BLOWN AWAY !
28 All but two people were accepted for training as disabled people , the others acquiring their impairments during training ; 10 people had trained within the last five years and 14 within the last 10 years .
29 Quite rightly all hell broke loose in the USA because the FAA had not implemented one of the vital NTSB recommendations after the Windsor accident , and 346 people had died as a result .
30 So far over 12,000 people have visited our power stations through the Come & See programme this year .
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