Example sentences of "[num] or [adj] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The lathe has been modified and now has an indexing system with a range of divisions with 16 , 32 or 60 stops .
2 In eight or nine rounds the referee should be stepping in to rescue the younger man , unless he is knocked out .
3 A jockey may ride as many as 12 or 14 races a day .
4 certainly if taken in high dosage by injecting 2 or 3 combipens or too many of the tablets , it could cause irregular heart beat .
5 Top riders Tony Rickardsson and Chris Louis are already feeling the effects of riding six or seven races every match — and Ipswich can not see an answer in sight .
6 Six or seven has the same effect if you land right , leaving you with an aching crotch and bruised joints if you 're lucky .
7 Such early mills were closely packed with looms , operated by both men and women , who would run three or four looms each .
8 Three or four goes should make up the mind for her , ’ said Raimundo evilly , as Perdita picked herself up off the dusty ground .
9 out went the feeder and after three or four chucks the tip went round .
10 Normally , ten or 12 trains a day servicing the Boulby Potash Mine use the bridge .
11 You should only leave 3 or 4 trusses to ripen on standard outdoor types .
12 ‘ He should give him a run of five or six matches to show what he can do .
13 time from somewhere , and just had I mean , five or six goes , an the same sort of question , until you get to the stage where you just go , Oh yeah , Okay .
14 I 'd set it five or 10 beats lower till I could complete a 20–30 minute run without bleeping — then set it higher . ’
15 Note 1.2.3 One other thing 1.2.2 does for us is to prove that Z can contain only one subset N with the properties listed in axiom P. ( If M is a subset of Z satisfying P then either 1 or -1 belongs to M. It follows from 1.2.2 that unc and then from axiom P(ii) that , in any case , 1 ε M. Similarly 1 ε N and hence
16 I 've one or two calls to make as well . ’
17 I 've one or two calls to make . ’
18 At one or two points the Jacob/ Laban stories ( chs.
19 We shot the son who never calls , then when he does call Beattie complains he never visits ; the Mrs Jones commercial , done in almost one or two takes ; the ‘ Happy Birthday ’ song ; an answering machine , starring only my voice and my son Melvyn ( it was actually my favourite and was never shown ) ; and the one which launched a cache of catch phrases — the ‘ Ology ’ commercial , coincidentally starring Jacob Krichefsky , son of Bernard and Judith , my Muswell Hill neighbours .
20 Now she 's on powerful drugs to suppress the problem … and she only has to cope with a one or two fits each day .
21 There is a battered old Steinway piano in the hotel downstairs , and I have had one or two goes on it .
22 But better still , if you decide you are going to fish the same one or two swims each time , is to set up permanent anchors .
23 Usually after one or two turns these gliders will unstall themselves and build up speed rapidly in a spiralling dive .
24 You can now start venturing away from your measured route and start looking for additional ways to clock up the extra miles — try walking to the shops instead of driving ; try parking the car further away from work and walking the rest of the way ; or getting off the bus or train one or two stops from your destination and walking the rest of the way .
25 ‘ I most certainly take exception to one or two hints around at the moment that our biggest problem is keeping our cool .
26 You know I erm Hugh was talking about erm somebody being thrown out of hospital after gall bladder operation after only two days well fortunately these days there are one or two strives in er in in health care erm to erm which is very much easier to er , operate on people if you 're if you if you 're going to put them out cos the operation 's more er simpler it 's far less stress on patients and and , and they they 're becoming a lot quicker er , clearly if faded out er , the way is completed then er obviously things are serrated with with the chief executive of the health authority and I 'd like to give you this October when when the Chief Executive was .
27 There have been one or two irksome omissions — Elektra , Die Frau ohne Schatten , productions that were highlights of the Strauss centenary celebrations in Salzburg and Vienna in 1964 — as well as one or two works that Karajan has recorded but not conducted in the theatre since Ulm or Aachen .
28 How can you , could you do that if you 've got I mean he 's about twelve or thirteen comes home from school
29 The initial pitches gave easy climbing up the low angled base , but as usual with routes having ( F6a ) and ( F6b ) moves , there were only two or three bolts a long way apart .
30 It is good for two or three housegroups to form the basis of the new church .
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