Example sentences of "[num] [num] [coord] the " in BNC.

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1 The Selby figure should be amended from thirteen point three to fourteen point two six and the York figure from sixty one point six to ninety six point eight eight and the Greater York figure from eighty seven point three to one two seven point six two .
2 FOR more information contact the Southern Tourist Board on 0703 620006 and the South East England Tourist Board on 0892 540766 .
3 I hope you all have a nice birthday and many more to come now last week the flower box raised one pound forty two , the raffle four pound forty six and the bring and buy two pound sixty making a total of eight pound fourteen
4 That 's not going till one forty five and the one th er twenty five Manchester Victoria is not going till one thirty nine and the one twenty Manchester Airport is n't going till one twenty eight but there 's no big deal about any of that really so most of the trains are on time that you .
5 Erm there 's another Econ Soc the Economic Society putting on a lecture at five o'clock on Wednesday er in A forty two and the topic there is What 's Happening to the Distribution of Income in Britain and he is also talking to the Public Sector .
6 One of the pairs identified by Arp is the galaxy NGC 43 19 and the object Markarian 205 , which lies only 42 arc seconds away from it on the sky , and might be a quasar or a peculiar galaxy .
7 She was forty seven and the youngest member since Commissioner Catherine Bramwell Booth had made her reluctant appearance at the first High Council .
8 He said that how that the real problem was the expansion of the C C P between nineteen thirty seven to forty seven and the inadequate training .
9 So it 's page fifty six and the prep was er the top two boxes and the bottom .
10 And how h h had l had l life changed between er the nineteen thirties and the nineteen forties ?
11 In the twentieth century er the president who did most to , to develop the office further was , was Franklin Roosevelt , Theodore 's cousin er and Franklin Roosevelt , who became president in , in the nineteen thirties and the time of the great depression , and remained president for , till nineteen forty five so He was president for thirteen years er and his political opponents were so upset by this that they actually amended the constitution afterwards to prevent any future president from serving more than two terms of as president , so eight years is the maximum that anyone can serve as president .
12 Popperfoto was set up by a Czeckoslovakian photographer in the nineteen thirties and the collection includes the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald , the Hindenburg airship disaster , and Captain Scott 's expedition to the South Pole .
13 we 've looked at the landlord tenant relationship before , erm and , and we know that it 's got worse , you know , with the nineteen thirties and the world depression
14 Clauses 5.1 ( including both phrases in square brackets ) , 5.2 and 5.3 are necessary if one intends to exclude that liability otherwise the bracketed phrases in cl 5.1 and the whole of cl 5.2 and 5.3 should be deleted and cl 5.4. and 5.5 should be renumbered accordingly .
15 If one wished to adopt the approach of a limited express remedy with no exclusion of liability , one would retain cl 10 ( except for cl 10.6 ) and delete the phrases in square brackets in cl 5.1 and the whole of cll 1 , 5.2 and 5.3 .
16 Whereas locations to the north of York , and here we 're dealing with here ma'am er dealing sir with the A sixty four north and the B one three six three and the A nineteen north would tend to serve the needs of Greater York .
17 If we go back to the nineteen seventies or the early eighties and look at how we developed applications we take an old language like maybe COBOL as an example .
18 The said finished Products shall be purchased at the prices laid down in cl 5 and the said packaging materials at cost to the Supplier plus five percent .
19 On the six tenths and the three fifths .
20 We also gave a wrong number for Parallax : its 408 727 2220 and the company is in Santa Clara , California , not in New York .
21 Now the results of that years work public of all members today in four T six six four and the report provides a summary of our findings , the existing problems on this section two point one point one and the possible solutions on summarized in section two point one point two .
22 And then er , the sixth assembly in Vancouver in nineteen eight three and the seventh assembly in Canberra , last year .
23 Colleagues , we now move into the jobs and recovery debates , in which we 'll be taking composite eight , motion two seven eight , motion two seven nine , composite ten , motion two eight three and the emergency motion number two Pit Review and Closures to move by the Midland and East Coast Region .
24 So President to conclude , I think it 's now necessary to look beyond Maastricht , to look to nineteen ninety six and the next set of inter- governmental conferences and beyond .
25 The redemption will be funded using cash from operations and earnings in the quarter ended December 31 1992 and the company says it intends further redemptions of the 10% debentures throughout 1993 — after April 1 , some $427m of the 10% debt will remain outstanding .
26 First of all can I check that I am right in saying that the difference between the H B F's figures of fifty three thousand and the County Council 's figure of forty six thousand is explained by the vacancies , concealed households , death rates etcetera .
27 On the standing charges regarding motion three eight four for the rent-free telephones for our senior citizens it is really an extension of three seventy but the C E C asks to while you , while you accept this resolution ask for a qualification on the motion .
28 In 1989–90 , the UFC received 1.9 billion and the PCFC 1.1 billion in government funds .
29 At first , acid from rotting conifer needles was blamed , but the average acidity of rain in the Scottish Grampians had increased tenfold from 1962 to 1975 36 and the suspicion grew that the strong acids of pollution were responsible .
30 Offsetting that with the Smith Mark , losses and the one-time provision for the Penguin U S Leases , that was all taken care of in nineteen ninety one and the benefit from our fully benefit from our ninety one acquisitions and little bit in ninety two .
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