Example sentences of "[num] [noun prp] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 In his first address to the nation as Prime Minister on June 22 Rao concentrated on the country 's economy , which he said was in a state of crisis .
2 Assuming that I now had BWB approval in principle and a promise of funding , I went ahead and on 12 May called on our members for volunteers .
3 At 9.30 Titcombe knocked on the farmer 's door .
4 The NAC meeting of 7 November called on the Communist Party to give guarantees of non-interference in ILP affairs as a condition for continuing the United Front .
5 In the middle of the summer the Japanese had plans to develop the island with aircraft bases after the American counter-stroke of 7 August landed on Guadalcanal , more than 2,000 miles ( 3,000+km ) to the east of Timor .
6 Also on Oct. 21 Mitterrand called on Raymond Lacombe , the chairman of the farmers ' union FNSEA ( Fédération nationale des syndicats d'exploitants agricoles ) , to control his supporters , describing the attacks by " gangs " who were not representative of the main body of farmers as " unacceptable " and ordering the police to intervene to restore law and order .
7 Another three Timorese went on trial on March 17 accused of " general crimes " .
8 As a footnote , when Jack Wannan was posted to Coningsby in 1953 to join 57 Squadron which had re-equipped with Canberras , where were only about three Washingtons left on the Station .
9 On 5 November 1946 Pethick-Lawrence commented on their ‘ political immaturity ’ , and again on 9 December he told the Cabinet that : ‘ We are dealing with a body politically immature , singularly lacking in experience of the outside world , and with no appreciation of the weakness of Burma or of the difficulties … she is likely to face . ’
10 By a notice of appeal dated 1 June 1992 W. appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the High Court had no jurisdiction , or alternatively no jurisdiction should be exercised , to overrule the refusal of a competent minor aged 16 to undergo medical treatment ; ( 2 ) section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 should have been applied ; ( 3 ) the judge had erred in applying observations of Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. in In re R. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Consent to Treatment ) [ 1992 ] Fam. 11 which were erroneous ; ( 4 ) the judge had wrongly found that in respect of the Children Act 1989 the minor 's right of refusal was limited to the stage of assessment ; and ( 5 ) the judge had failed to have sufficient regard to the medical evidence against transferring W. , to the advantages of not moving her and to her wishes and his decision was plainly wrong .
11 NEARLY 50 Amnesty members from at least 15 local groups across London joined forces on Saturday 17 October to go on an ‘ embassy crawl ’ in support of the indigenous peoples campaign .
12 June 16 : Navion 4 OO–NIQ crashed on approach to Wevelgem and written-off .
13 In 1899 Watson came on a second tour and this time went to the far west .
14 In 1952 Degenhart collaborated on an exhibition of contemporary Italian drawings and he is proud to have known personally Carrà , Manzú , Marini , Balla and Severini .
15 In an appeal on June 11 Iran called on the UN to protect between 500,000 and 900,000 Shias who were reportedly trapped in the marshes of southern Iraq surrounded by 100,000 Iraqi troops and airborne units [ see pp. 38081-82 ; 38211 ] .
16 Following a Federation Council meeting on Jan. 3 Gorbachev announced on television that a provisional agreement had been reached to end the budget deadlock .
17 The extra 25 UNMLOs arrived on Feb. 11 .
18 Another marked contrast between Welsh and English practice is in regard to provision stemming from the recommendations of the 1975 and 1978 Haycocks Reports on the training of full-time and part-time teachers of further education respectively .
19 OFFICIALLY there has been just one Clinton fighting on the Democrat ticket to get into the White House .
20 On Nov. 8 Azerbaijan called on Russia to extradite him to face trial .
21 His ill-starred daughter , of whose birth on 8 December 1542 James heard on his deathbed , was kept at Linlithgow for seven months , by which time it had been agreed that she should in the fullness of time marry Edward , heir to Henry VIII of England .
22 On privatization , the government on 23 July backtracked on a proposal it had announced on July 13 for the creation of two large holding companies to combine Italy 's four main industrial and financial state concerns , together with some other interests at present controlled by the Treasury , in order to facilitate privatization .
23 In the preceding year 28 December fell on a Sunday and as the coronation took place on that day of the week it had to be repeated on another day !
24 From 1862 to 1864 Fleming served on the council of the Royal Horticultural Society , and was a member of the committee for the international horticultural exhibition of 1866 .
25 A total of 1,636 Garratts ran on eighty-six railways in forty-eight countries : of these , Beyer , Peacock built just over one thousand .
26 Conrad 's first manoeuvre was to send massed cavalry forward on 15 August to reconnoitre on a huge front , some 400km/ 250mls wide .
27 On March 9 Iran called on the UN to impose an arms embargo on the two states .
28 Planned before reunification , Bonn 's new $ 79.5 million Kunsthalle to open on 19 June
29 And we are left with the problem of deciding whether or not the two Elizabeths baptised on 17 October were really the same girl .
30 In 1787 Mozart played on the organ here .
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