Example sentences of "[num] [adv] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 It must have been eleven o'clock by the time we sat down to eat .
2 The Greeks were followed in 30 BC by the arrival of Roman and later Byzantine rulers who were to survive until AD 638 .
3 The European cuckoo 's strange behaviour was noted as long ago as 300 BC by the Greek philosopher Aristotle , who also recorded the young cuckoo 's ejection of the host bird 's eggs from the nest .
4 It was 2 a.m. by the time I joined Kenneth Cranham and his wife , Fiona Victory , in the lounge of the University Arms Hotel .
5 The republic of Rome was severely shaken in 44 B.C. by the murder of Julius Caesar .
6 Kate and Tom Ballard will be four and six respectively by the time their mother , Alison Hargreaves , attempts to become the first British woman to ascend Everest ; by next August they should be used to life in the British Mount Everest Medical Expedition base camp .
7 It was three o'clock by the tower clock when I finally forced my numb fingers to dose the creaking covers of the Thesaurus Exorcismorum .
8 An army officer was killed by an ETA car bomb in Salamanca on Sept. 2 ; an off-duty policeman was shot dead in San Sebastián on Sept. 13 ; and a local policeman in Baracaldo near Bilbao , who had once been imprisoned for providing an ETA unit with accommodation , was killed on Oct. 21 apparently by the premature explosion of a bomb which he was handling .
9 This Temple was destroyed in 586 BC by the Babylonians .
10 Although it has no bearing on our decision , it should be pointed out that had the courts had power to make the order sought , Dr. Hayes ' evidence would in any event have been circumscribed by two public interest immunity certificates issued on 13 April 1992 respectively by the Secretary of State for Transport relating to ‘ security measures ’ and by the Lord Advocate in relation to potential criminal proceedings in Scotland .
11 I was awakened from a deep sleep at about 5 a.m. by a bump , alongside , the roar of engines and much shouting .
12 It was a little after ten o'clock by the time the three men gathered in the council chamber over the post office and unrolled the plans on the long oak table .
13 The fire was discovered at 3 a.m. by a master working late , and together with two boys — one of whom climbed a waterspout to get to the juniors ' bedroom via the roof and the other operated a hand-pump in dense smoke — managed to raise the alarm .
14 In the space of four weeks , not only has the car been broken into , but the Health Centre has been robbed of computer hardware for our new cardiovascular screening programme , I have been threatened with violence in my consulting-room for refusing to prescribe opiates and my home has been burgled at 5.00 am by a seventeen-year-old wielding a club hammer .
15 The school was established in about 1930 jointly by the Union of the Sisters of Mercy Trustees and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster .
16 Barclays is expected to shed 2,500 jobs this year and 10,000 by 1995 , and National Westminster 4,000 worldwide by the end of 1992 and 15,000 over the next five years .
17 It was nearly five o'clock by the time she made it back up to the house , which was thankfully empty .
18 The city of Byzantium , founded in 666 B.C. by the Dorian Greeks , situated on a hill above the Golden Horn , was too small to act as a capital city for the Roman Empire , so Constantine built new city walls enclosing a larger area .
19 The A.G.M. starts at 7.30 p.m. and will be followed at 8.00 p.m. by a talk entitled ‘ The Archives of the Bishop 's Castle Area ’ by Mrs Marian Halford of the County Records Office .
20 ( b ) Cold coin issued in 193 BC by the Roman general Flamininus to commemorate his liberation of Greece from Macedonian rule ( middle ) .
21 In addition to the venture organised annually from 1986 onwards by the Language Teaching Centre in the University of York , in which teachers of South Asian languages follow a residential course alongside teachers of French , German and Spanish , there have been a number of other institutions volunteering their premises and the skills of their staff , including the Extramural Department of the School of Oriental and African Studies in the University of London , St. Martin 's College in Lancaster , Chorley College in Lancashire , Tower Hamlets Adult Education Institute in the Inner London Education Authority and a number of others .
22 So you arrive Friday night at night , seven thirty so by the time you got your hotel and checked in , da da da , it 's nine o'clock at night .
23 It 's multiplied a hundred above by a blank cell on the left and you get zero .
24 And do watch out for those roadworks on the M four just by the M twenty five junction .
25 The current-account deficit reached a record A$17,400 million in 1988-89 , and inflation and the external debt continued to rise throughout 1989 , reaching 7.8 per cent and A$137,000 million respectively by the end of the year .
26 They raced onto the platform , followed a minute or two later by a panting Naseby , only to see the railway train , now bearing Miss Throgmorton , steaming slowly away , enveloping them in white smoke .
27 The result was that every crucial move made inside the Cathedral by the bride and groom — like the placing of the ring on the Princess 's finger — was followed a second or two later by the most enormous cheer from outside .
28 Koehler ( 1922 ) distinguished these two also by the character of the imbricating disk plates and round naked radial shields .
29 We also gave other reasons at the time , erm principally the road , because the access fronting onto the A forty four there by the proposed site , there 'd been a number of accidents and during the consultation period there were actually two people killed bang opposite the proposed entrance to that site at Swingswang .
30 Well I thought if I have a walk over there at two then by the time I get back it 'll be time to go and get Christopher wo n't it ?
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