Example sentences of "[num] [adv] [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Note that Table 7.5 only applies to the given number of records per track while Fig. 7.18 is more general .
2 For instance , one of the manuscripts containing a copy of only Book 1 , describes it as the first part of the book called " The Mirror of Contemplation by Canon Walter Hilton " ( Lansdowne MS 362 : Prima pars libri qui dicitur Speculum contemplacionis — Walterus hiltoun canonicus while one of the few manuscripts to contain Book 2 alone refers to it as " the secunde part of the reformyng of mannys soule drawyn of maister Watir hiltone hermyte " .
3 Version 4.0 also comes with the facility to print reports to screen .
4 After starting out a special interest magazine , Skin 2 now looks like a mainstream style mag ( sometimes you feel it ca n't be long before S&M will make it into M&S ) .
5 A bronze fountain of 1630 now stands in front of the sala terrena and on it is a copy of a Venus by B. Würzelbauer , cast in 1599 .
6 For those who already have a settled partner , home and children , says Sheehy , the runway to 30 often leads to first infidelity .
7 Setting aside mathematics for the moment , the different levels can be seen in terms of scale ( which Hodgson 1985 neatly gives in centimetres ) , in terms of envelopes ( Needham 1969 ) or perhaps best in terms of levels of organization ( since physicists argue that they relate to ‘ all levels of scale ’ ; Institute of Physics 1988 , p. 2 ) .
8 six o'clock seems to be a nice time , Scottish Homes said they would lay on coffee and
9 The toxic side-effects of the therapy are rapidly reversible ; the short serum half-life of intravenously administered interleukin-2 generally leads to the reversal of toxicities within 24 hours of stopping treatment .
10 The plaintiff seeks a declaration that the use of Bridge Road and part of Medway Road by heavy goods vehicles using the port between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. amounts to a public nuisance .
11 The case against the six now depends on confessions .
12 The total raised since August 1991 now stands at £3,502 .
13 The magazine poetry of the 1790s frequently deals with similar subject-matter , and poets were already using a wide variety of metrical forms , including ballads .
14 So are you saying that the six actually falls in Ryedale ?
15 Until very recently it was commonly thought to be a peculiar anomaly of the Transfer Regulations that reg 7 specifically excludes from the statutory novation the rights of employees in respect of occupational pension schemes .
16 THREE side-by-side playgoers in the Buxton Opera House dress circle followed the text in their Signet Shakespeares throughout this four-hour Lear .
17 Section 238 only applies to transactions entered into at an under value within two years prior to the onset of the vendor 's insolvency and does not apply to sales by a liquidator as , amongst other things , this is a sale after the onset of insolvency .
18 There are three further points to be made about writing objectives .
19 Town and country planning , published in 1933 ( significantly , in view of the new interest taken in planning in the wartime years , with a second edition in 1943 and three further reprints by 1945 ) , declared that : Historic examples showed what had been achieved in the past , but Abercrombie stressed the degradation of industrialization which the country had experienced in the nineteenth century .
20 And I would just erm remind everyone that er the clear guidance is still there in P P G seven about the considerably weight attached to protection of better quality agricultural land er and that the structure plan policy A three still remains in force , a very clear and strong policy .
21 Standard Condition 2.2 now deals with the payment of deposits and provides for a 10% deposit to be taken .
22 For readers not wishing to fly , our coaching option will include three overnight stops on the way down to Nice and another three overnight stops on the return from Venice .
23 For readers not wishing to fly , our coaching option will include three overnight stops on the way down to Nice and another three overnight stops on the return from Venice .
24 RTPA 1976 expressly excludes from registration agreements of the type described in Sched 3 of the Act .
25 Section 4 only applies to indemnities given by consumers .
26 Pagemaker 4 just comes with a basic English spell checker .
27 But whether all this back-to-the-future stuff is the final , futile , heroic twitch in the corpse of pop music bludgeoned near to death by metal and techno , or whether this instinctive return to flamboyance and sexual ambiguity really signals the first stirrings of a full-scale revolution , the fact is that 1992 desperately yearns to be 20 years younger and ‘ Back In Denim ’ is New Glam 's most articulate manifesto so far .
28 Most importantly of all , one of a pair of cones erected at Catcliffe in 1740 still stands to its full height .
29 The law enacted in January 1957 still governs in 1990 the operations of the agency .
30 The spirit of 1981 still survives in the Treasury today although political constraints , and the fact that an election can not be too far away , will prevent anything quite as austere as 10 years ago .
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