Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] has [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The past 30 years has seen a continuation of the break-up of the old landlord and tenant system .
2 An extensive programme of geological thin-sectioning of stone implements in various universities over the last 30 years has shown quite clearly that between 3000 and 1500 BC there were a number of heavily exploited sources of stone and flint which were used to make axes and other implements .
3 Western research on this subject over the past 30 years has identified a number of gaps and weaknesses in Soviet official socio-economic data , as well as many statistical series which , it is believed , can be used ( sometimes with adjustments for comparability with Western figures ) .
4 In conclusion , research over eight decades has demonstrated the predictive validity of ability tests to be high , or certainly much higher than an interview .
5 In the past year , the number of those contracted to be on duty for more than 83 hours has halved , but we must go much further .
6 A defence lawyer may not be brought in until a period of " six months has elapsed .
7 For example , assume that a child is a rehabilitated person within the meaning of the Act : in other words , he has been subject to a supervision requirement and that requirement has been terminated or a year has elapsed since the date of the hearing that imposed the supervision requirement , whichever is the longer , and he has committed no further offences during the rehabilitation period ; or he has appeared before a children 's hearing which has decided not to impose a supervision requirement on him and six months has elapsed during which time he has committed no further offences .
8 And I have replied er , Who in the past six months has reached their targets percentage targets above mine in the last six months ?
9 The number unemployed for more than six months has doubled in the past year .
10 So it is that tomorrow , ITV will screen a profile of the man who spent the first eight years of his life in Abyssinia ( now Ethiopia ) and graduated to serious eccentricity via an English prep school ( where he was beaten ) , Eton ( where he learned to box ) and finally Oxford ( where he was a boxing blue and acquired the dramatically-bent nose which for six decades has lent drama to what would in any case have been a distinguished face ) .
11 Anita Culley , who for the last six years has co-owned Walworth Castle with her husband , said the new plans could cost around £750,000 .
12 Her shock decision to leave the programme after six years has stunned Beeb bosses .
13 Charly Herscovici , who formerly assisted Georgette Magritte and for the last six years has managed the painter 's copyright and droit morale , explained how this could have come about .
14 A re-assessment of meteorological data collected over the last 100 years has confirmed that the earth has warmed by 0.5C over that period .
15 The past 10 years has seen a dramatic improvement in Italy 's wine technology led by the latest generation of gifted wine-makers .
16 The past 10 years has seen an explosion in our knowledge of the molecular biology of cancer , and nowhere has this been as exciting as in the field of large bowel cancer .
17 Progression of the deformity is unpredictable in a given patient , but follow up for five to 10 years has shown worsening of the instability in 16% to 41% of the patients .
18 The Imperial Cancer Research Fund , which in 10 years has opened 464 shops , has its own ‘ fashion guru ’ .
19 Analysis of ice extracted from the Greenland ice cap has revealed that climate over the last 250,000 years has fluctuated rapidly — with the exception of the last 8,000-10,000 years .
20 Throughout the 1970s the share of employment , value added and output taken by firms with less than 100 workers has grown in an unexpectedly resilient fashion .
21 One in six firms has deferred settlements for up to six months because of the profits squeeze produced by recession , and more are planning a freeze .
22 Five wins in six games has transformed only their second season outside English football 's basement .
23 The past eight years has seen a steady and clever manipulation of the so-called thinking minority : the wheezes and schemes of cheeky pop entrepreneurs like Morley and McLaren have been championed in the rock press and elsewhere as a perfect parallel to the upwardly mobile mentality of the calculator and computer generation , the complete full circle from sixties hippiedom .
24 The spread of poverty in the eight years has strained the whole nation , and widened misery and disadvantage amongst the old and young .
25 In fact , none of the popular British names in the frequency lists in the last 75 years has had an unstressed initial syllable .
26 An emotional reunion after more than fifty years has taken place today , between two Britons who were evacuated as children to the United States and their American foster mother .
27 If nothing catches the eye , walk a few blocks to West 47th street , between Fifth and Sixth Avenues , to browse at the Gotham Book Mart ( ’ Wise men fish here , ’ says the sign ) , which , for 70 years has specialised in literature and arts .
28 But since then , 27-year-old Hall capped 21 times has become a central part of Wales ' dramatic recent resurgence .
29 Each of these three groups has made a first report at the time this Chapter was written .
30 And the old ewe that three times has miscarried
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