Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [to-vb] them " in BNC.

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1 In a coded telephone warning on Tuesday , Scotland Yard were told four bombs had been planted in the area and given just 30 minutes to find them .
2 One large dome and two smaller ones with twisted columned drums are set over the narthex which has 12 columns to support them inside .
3 DETECTIVES were trying to find out yesterday why scientists took 49 days to tell them a supposed murder victim was killed by drugs .
4 David Booth took 30 seconds to give them the lead , taking advantage of a defender 's clearance which deflected freakishly off an onrushing forward and into his path .
5 ‘ It tends to adjourn the case for six months to allow them to get themselves together again . ’
6 We take them out at about six months to get them used to travelling on buses and trains , as well as teaching them to stop at kerbs , listening for traffic and avoiding any obstacles .
7 Certainly we must hope that the government in its final response will take the arguments put forward by Alvey somewhat further ; after all it has had the best part of six months to consider them .
8 One of the sweetest successes was against the Australians , when Surrey became , in 1956 , the first county for 44 years to beat them .
9 However , recently they can be issued for maturities for as little as 7 days to enable them to compete with the sterling commercial paper market .
10 ‘ It 's taken me 10 years to grow them this long so I do n't like hiding them completely under a hat . ’
11 The first thirteen babies to claim them have won the first of their competitions .
12 It 's where they 'll be expecting the Levenmouth army to arrive in two or three hours to support them .
13 It took the jury at Nottingham Crown Court less than three hours to convict them after a two-week trial .
14 It took three hours to dig them out , and it was no fun .
15 Although there is much in these three books to put them in the category of Ruritanian adventure , Scott may be a stronger influence .
16 However , it took me two or three weeks to learn them , to pick them up .
17 Soviet citizens were given three days to exchange them for lower-denomination notes .
18 To have included the yield , crazing and fracture of polymers would have required another three chapters to do them justice .
19 The chief allotted Sycorax and Ariel three women to attend them , and then turned to face Kit , and traced between them with his staff three circles in the dust .
20 You had to enter them as foals , and then when you entered them it cost you fifty pounds to enter them , and it cost you fifty pounds for every quarter of that lifetime of that foal .
21 But he claims that VSEL avoided paying the money by introducing ‘ extraordinary items ’ into its 1990/91 accounts to reduce them below £100m .
22 But it took 5 months to find them accomodation after she was told to …
23 In this roadside check , drivers with one or two suspect tyres were given fourteen days to get them into shape .
24 The week-long camps are sponsored by Digital Equipment Company , and are open to students aged from 14 to 17 years to give them practical experience of the computer applications they will come across when they take up their careers .
25 You 've got sixteen days to do them in in theory .
26 Three days a week the Irish cross-channel boats brought over between 600 and 700 bales of bacon , requiring fourteen trucks to convey them to London .
27 The trees are being re-coppiced this week for the first time in more than 50 years to keep them healthy .
28 You allow a week to ten days to distribute them , so they have to be ready on June 15 .
29 We chose a shopping basket of 29 items to compare them with Tesco and Sainsbury .
30 I put I think it takes nine times to get them across so if two boys go across and one boy comes back one man goes across one boy comes back , two boys goes go across one boy comes back one man goes across one boy comes back and two boys go across .
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