Example sentences of "[num] [pers pn] [vb past] become " in BNC.

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1 By an extended tour in 1780–2 he had become known as a pianist in Paris , Strasburg , Munich , and Vienna , and in 1802 he was enthusiastically received in St Petersburg .
2 Between 1974 and 1979 I had become concerned with the number of investigations conducted in a few States where , despite representations from properly appointed accredited representatives , the findings in the final reports were clearly less than satisfactory .
3 It was his great-grandson — the first Henry Overton Wills — who moved to Bristol where by 1786 he had become a partner in a tobacco business .
4 By 1870 she had become the manager of the Central London Dwellings Improvement Company , and was about to launch a ‘ coffee tavern ’ scheme to provide residents of slum dwellings with cheap , non-alcoholic refreshment and light entertainment .
5 By the age of 35 he had become the youngest president of the largest and most prominent synagogue in Canada ; brilliantly engineered the merging of all the philanthropic societies of Montreal ( ‘ With a view to obtaining the greatest efficiency with the least possible expense and labour , ’ — surely his own life-principle next to his religious and familial devotions ) ; and placed himself in the forefront of the social and economic battles of the period .
6 By the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 it had become the most professional in Europe .
7 By 1482 he had become an esquire of the king 's body and was made captain and governor of Guernsey .
8 Nevertheless , during the winter of 1909 she had become pregnant again at almost exactly the same time as Tina did with her second son , Stu .
9 But by 1957 he had become disenchanted with government service and decided it was time to join the private sector .
10 However , it soon emerged that the DES had different ideas on the management of public sector higher education and by the spring of 1981 it had become generally known that it favoured the virtual cutting of the link between the local authorities and the polytechnics and the colleges and institutes of higher education substantially involved in offering advanced further education .
11 By 1884 it had become the Art Workers ' Guild , the hub of the Arts and Crafts Movement , which aimed to bring back all the fine and craft arts and to follow the writings of Ruskin and William Morris .
12 By 1873 it had become illegal to have in one 's possession in the mine a ferrous metal pricker or scraper .
13 By 1916 it had become obvious that the war was not likely to be over for some time and the government round that it was necessary to introduce military conscription in place of voluntary conscription , in order to ensure replacement of the thousands of soldiers being killed and wounded on the battlefields .
14 By 1949 he had become a central party figure , often acting as spokesman on minority issues .
15 But by the 430s it had become the religion of most educated Roman town-dwellers .
16 In 1914 he had become a full-time trade union official rising to the general secretaryship of the Trades Union Congress in the 1920s .
17 In 1900 they were no more often in poverty than the working class of any age , but by 1935 they had become significantly more vulnerable , and in 1950 the elderly comprised over two-thirds of all the poor .
18 These additions were first added to working copies of the Decretum in the 1150s and 1160s , but by the 1170s they had become far too numerous and had to be placed in separate books .
19 Following McDougall 's death in 1961 he agreed to become Chairman , but he was unable to find enough time for the demands of this office and resumed the less onerous duties of the Presidency in 1965 .
20 Whether it was even much of an improvement is open to question ; like many committees it was cumbersome and slow-moving and by the 1750s it had become notably disorderly and inefficient .
21 Its original foundation as an Oxford Delegacy WEA branch pre-dated the formation of the District and in 1919 its membership exceeded seventy-five , but by 1923 it had become dormant .
22 But here , too , there were soon difficulties and in 1943 he resigned to become scientific adviser to the United States 8th Army Air Force in Great Britain .
23 By 1272 he had become precentor of Hereford Cathedral and a canon of St Paul 's ; in 1274 he became dean of St Paul 's .
24 By 1986 it had become evident that these fears had , to some extent , been realized .
25 However , by 1986 it had become evident that the collapse in manufacturing had been so severe that alternative approaches based on tourism and retailing should be given much greater prominence ( MDC , 1986 ) .
26 By the late 1880s she had become a friend of Mary Wollstonecraft [ q.v. ] , who wrote to Joshua on 9 December 1790 : ‘ I fear her situation is still very uncomfortable .
27 At twenty she had become engaged , married on her twenty-first birthday , and within a year had a beautiful baby daughter to dandle on her knee …
28 By 1652 he had become a member of a syndicate engaged in victualling the navy .
29 By 1951 he had become one of the strongest champions of the special relationship in the cabinet — despite continuing differences on many economic issues .
30 By the late 1230s he had become one of a small group of professional lawyers practising in the Common Bench in Westminster .
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