Example sentences of "[num] [adj] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Eleven bloody hours I 've driven today .
2 The upshot of the matter was that although the Butcher had an account for 30 odd years they did not think him worthy of an invite .
3 With forty picked men he was given special powers ; 228 wagons were needed , but only thirty had been sent to Siberia .
4 Unless hens have at least 800 square centimetres they will not be able to perform simple preening and stretching movements .
5 In view of the support and assistance which we have already provided I am not prepared to contribute towards your internal training arrangements or the preparation of the 2 self-study units you are proposing .
6 Anway , for the Man C. game membership cards are n't needed , but for the next 2 away games they are .
7 In the 1972 presidential elections he was vice-presidential candidate for the coalition headed by Jose Napoleon Duarte , who was widely held to have won although a military candidate was declared the winner .
8 Ironically , while they erected 660 churches , they closed thirty-three for every twenty-one new ones they built .
9 She says she was mentally and physically abused by her boyfriend , but after 10 months at the hostel with her 2 young sons she 's starting to turn her life around .
10 IBM Corp has filed a $7.3m federal lawsuit against Nutri-System Inc , saying the debt-ridden diet company failed to make payments on 500 personal computers it had leased — but it sounds as if the Armonkeys will have to sing for their money : the suit accuses the Blue Bell , Pennsylvania , company of making no payments since December and of refusing to allow IBM to repossess the machines , but some of Nutri-System 's major franchisees have filed an involuntary bankruptcy petition against the company under Chapter 7 of the bankruptcy laws — Chapter 7 means curtains — and last week , banks seized all its cash and bank accounts , forcing the company to close its 283 company-owned weight-loss centres across the US ; while Nutri-System has failed to pay only $965,380 due under its lease with IBM , a default entitles IBM to recover the full lease sum of $7.3m .
11 Although NeXT Computer Inc has stumbled , Data General Corp , which last year signed to resell NeXT boxes , will maintain a relationship with Steve Jobs ' company — it says it was always more interested in the NeXTstep software anyway , and it will market the environment on the 80486 personal computers it buys OEM once it becomes available .
12 His only worry is that the 500 official tickets he will be getting will not be enough .
13 We are the largest independent provider of practical home care to people with HIV/AIDS in the U.K. From 7 regional offices we have provided practical care to over 1000 people in the lat 3 years and in the last 12 months we cared for at least 1 in 5 of those who died of AIDS in the U.K.
14 Detectives searching for Paul 's killers are sifting through more than 2,000 different leads they have received .
15 But in the somewhat artificial world you are creating , six different motives you may well need .
16 Unable to get these onto the screen for 18 months , and lacking the clout necessary to raise the additional money for the six extra films they would need to secure foreign distribution , Minerva went under .
17 By taking six simple steps you could make your home snug fur half the price .
18 2.1 Non-competition/canvassing clauses It is common to find in an employment contract an express clause which restricts competition/canvassing by an employee both during and after employment .
19 Through our branch network of some 2,000 retail branches we can deal with all cash requirements on both small and large scales .
20 After 100 miraculous kilometres we met the other bus returning to Francistown .
21 ‘ The tables are fun to use and after 10 one-hour sessions I did feel slimmer and more enthusiastic about exercise in general , ’ she said .
22 We never did persuade them , but for six valuable hours we managed to hold them on that course far out into the Flores Sea , until finally they came to their senses , noticed the distant and almost invisible shore , and hurriedly tacked towards it again .
23 But last month the Department of the Environment revealed that , out of more than 1500 large dams it knew about 191 have no known owner — and many more have no certificate of safety .
24 In 83 first-class matches he scored 3,845 runs .
25 In the first two weeks I sat down , worked out the six major things I needed to do and tabled them to the group executive within six weeks .
26 family and they put me onto valium , but having worked in psychiatric I knew the results of valium , so I I gradually broke them down and got off them but for six full months I could n't sleep
27 France switched its nuclear programme to the South Pacific in 1966 , and after 44 atmospheric tests it began underground testing in 1975 .
28 What about the 10 superb games he had on the trot recently ?
29 After six competitive games it became clear to me that the standard of football required in the Multivite/Singletons League Division Three was way beyond his ability and so , sadly , I felt the club was no longer able to accommodate him as a player .
30 After three sticky nights we called it a day .
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