Example sentences of "[num] [noun sg] have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It is said in some circles that Morrison is alive and well and living in Des Moines , so perhaps we will one day have to sit through Doors II : the Incognito Years .
2 In the UK the Institution of Chemical Engineers has produced a computer simulation program specifically for training personnel at large chemical plants who may one day have to manage major fires and toxic releases ( Institution of Chemical Engineers , no date ) .
3 And the happier you are , the higher the price you may one day have to pay .
4 Ifor the idol he would one day have to dislodge .
5 Staying alert , being aware of what is going on , avoiding trouble and , if necessary , running for safety are all good techniques for self-preservation , but even the most careful person may one day have to fight to save himself , and to do that you need knowledge .
6 It never crossed my mind that I might one day have to fight .
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