Example sentences of "[num] [noun sg] [noun] then " in BNC.

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1 You can provided you keep under the thirteen amp rating but if you go over the thirteen amp rating then you are asking for trouble .
2 So if you took a six week period then you 're looking at somewhere around four and a half thousand pounds worth of income .
3 Unlike most of the other 2,000 pension funds then operating in America , the GM fund did not principally invest in the company 's own shares nor limit itself to fixed-income securities .
4 Three , three carrier bags then .
5 The course was simple ; from the layby , up the road , a three point turn then back again .
6 But if you 've made a twenty eight day clause then yes it 'll go to the children a hundred sixty thousand pounds and there 'd be tax payable on ten thousand pounds .
7 Once you 've agreed the price if that 's a thousand pound or thousand pound page then you want thirty five percent of the first year 's payment .
8 Well the Germans was shelling and these B things but we had sixty pounder guns then .
9 If your monitor is capable of a 1024 by 768 pixel resolution then you will only get 256 colours .
10 Let's try and ten digit number then .
11 If one is interested in a 3 kilobase fragment then this constitutes about 10 pg ( 10 - 1 g ) of the sample .
12 If you are running with one lead dog then it attaches to both the front tug lines and has no neck line .
13 If symptoms of disease occurred during any five day reintroduction then that particular food was said to be suspect and was temporarily omitted from the diet .
14 If your army includes at least one Goblin Mob then it may include any number of Snotling Pump Wagons .
15 If your army contains at least one Goblin Mob then it may include any number of Doom Diver Catapults .
16 If your army contains at least one Goblin Mob then it may include any number of Goblin wolf chariots .
17 In contrast to the offence of this ONE man Paul then declared what ONE other person , the Lord Jesus Christ had accomplished on behalf of many ‘ the grace of God and the gift of grace , which is by ONE man , Jesus Christ , hath abounded unto many ’ ( v.15 ) ‘ by the righteousness of ONE the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life … by the obedience of ONE shall many be made righteous. ’ ( v.18/19 ) .
18 Erm on twenty four hour clock then what time would seven o'clock be ?
19 If a bureau has only two interview rooms then four volunteers are the most that can be accommodated in the advisory role : two interviewing , one taking telephone enquiries and the fourth following up cases in the general office between clients .
20 I had my first good bite , a two inch lift then the indicator dropping like the clappers on a slack line .
21 I 'd better check my two back ones then .
22 Two third-year courses then cover the fundamentals of microbiology and virology in one course and aspects of applied microbiology and biochemistry in another .
23 So do the four role plays then all come back here at twenty past six for a debrief and then we 'll call it a day .
24 He got two week ones then he got a four week one .
25 Hnag on … so Cooper did n't play in the ‘ 72 cup final then ?
26 Some 20 home fans then ran on to the field in response , but police were able to keep the two factions apart .
27 Well yeah I I 've I 've whether he well I mean if , if he 's gon na do this seven page thing then I you know I you can look at it two ways .
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