Example sentences of "[num] [conj] give [art] " in BNC.

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1 We are told CBR = 330 and given the starting population in 1987 , the bold figures are projected .
2 The audit report should state whether , in the opinion of the auditors , the accounts have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 and give a true and fair view of the state of the group 's and the company 's affairs and of the group 's profit or loss for the year .
3 The audit report should state whether , in the opinion of the auditors , the accounts have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 and give a true and fair view of the state of the company 's affairs and of its profit or loss for the year .
4 Edward Miall argued in the 1840s that giving the vote to the working class would give them that sense of citizen responsibility which they were said to lack , and that as a result the middle class would be able to " lead them almost whithersoever they please . "
5 He was elected FRS in 1892 and gave the Croonian lecture in 1896 .
6 We 're , working on an hotel project I think and we 're up to week thirteen on the programme and I think you might be able to see on week thirteen and given the information we 've got at the moment as well , it means we 're gon na be working on three floors at once so it was the first thing to identify .
7 A brass vase commemorates one of the three and gives the date of the fateful accident .
8 It was , in fact , the rapid inflation of the early 1970s that gave the system its bad reputation .
9 Following an armed uprising , the emergence of the Irish Free State was recognized in 1922 and given the status of a self-governing dominion .
10 Mecdi , in his article on Molla Husrev , says that he went in 877/1472–3 but gives no indication of the date of his return .
11 The Association had been first instituted in 1380 and given the status of Corporation in 1555 by Mary of Lorraine who founded Trinity Hospital .
12 The level of the average British male may be 6 but given the incidence of heart disease in Scotland , perhaps the average is not to be desired .
13 Nevertheless these suspicions resulted in his being removed from his position as president in 1844 and given the post of judicial assessor , which meant , in effect , becoming second-in-command to a governor appointed by the Colonial Office .
14 So never mind what the executive amends , recommend , stick your hand up for three eight eight and three eight nine and give a bit of power back to the people .
15 I bit the shell of one and gave the kernel to her , and then bit another and pretended it had broken one of my teeth and I was in too much pain . ’
16 Presented on Nov. 28 and given a first reading on Dec. 1 , the new law had replaced an initial draft of Nov. 5 which had been immediately rejected .
17 Roberts 's discovery was made in 1951 and gave a considerable boost to the research of Prof J Z Young , the celebrated brain expert , who had suggested that some kind of electronic machine might solve the cell counting problem .
18 Flickering along northern horizons the aurora borealis or Northern Lights lit up most of Britain 's sky in September 1951 and gave a brilliant show across north-west Europe in September 1958 .
19 The pupils of this generation of sociologists are people like Howard Becker and Erving Goffman , and it was their work in the 1960s that gave a new lease of life to ethnographic research after it had fallen into some disuse , in British sociology at least , in the 1950s .
20 Of course quality of care has always been of professional concern in the NHS , but it was firmly placed on managerial agendas by the Griffiths management reforms in 1983 and given a substantial boost by WFP .
21 In less than three weeks the army gathered nearly four thousand signatures for a petition demanding a new criminal law amendment act , raising the age of consent to eighteen and giving the police increased powers to search and arrest brothel-keepers .
22 In February 1884 Sir Vernon Harcourt , Liberal Home Secretary , received petitions from Bath Preventive Mission and Ladies ' Association for the Care of Friendless Girls , calling for immediate legislation raising the age of consent to eighteen and giving the police greater powers .
23 Hopes of getting an inquiry appear to have been dashed in 1979 when Britain offered its £100 million and gave the Sri-Lankan government the confidence to sweep aside any objections .
24 A newcomer to the fishermen 's beach is the ‘ Sea Life Centre ’ which opened in 1990 and gives a fascinating glimpse at life beneath the waves — you can actually walk beneath the water !
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